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word of the day

The word for today is…

existential (adj) – 1. Of, relating to, or dealing with existence.
2. Based on experience; empirical.
3. Of or as conceived by existentialism or existentialists: an existential moment of choice.
4. Linguistics Of or relating to a construction or part of a construction that indicates existence, as the words there is in the sentence There is a cat on the mat.

(noun) – (Linguistics) An existential word or construction.

(Donald Trump was claimed as an existential threat to the USA by many of his political opponents, most of whom didn’t seem to know the meaning of this word).

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : 1690s, “pertaining to existence,” from Late Latin existentialis/exsistentialis, from existentia/exsistentia. As a term in logic, from 1819; in philosophy, from 1937, tracing back to the Danish works of Kierkegaard.
