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word of the day

The word for today is…

reiterate (verb) – To say or do again or repeatedly.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Can you guess the meaning of iterate, a less common relative of reiterate? It must mean simply “to state or do,” right? Nope. Actually, iterate also means “to state or do again.” It’s no surprise, then, that some usage commentators have insisted that reiterate must always mean “to say or do again AND AGAIN.” No such nice distinction exists in actual usage, however. Both reiterate and iterate can convey the idea of a single repetition or of many repetitions. Reiterate is the older of the two words—it first appeared in the 15th century, whereas iterate turned up in the 16th century. Both stem from the Latin verb iterare, which is itself from iterum (“again”), but reiterate took an extra step, through Latin reiterare (“to repeat”).
