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word of the day

The word for today is…

hapless (adj) – Luckless; unfortunate.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Hapless literally means what you’d expect it to mean: “without hap”—hap being another word for fortune or luck. Hap derives from the Old Norse word for “good luck,” a word that is also the source of our happen and happy. English has several words to describe those lacking good fortune, including ill-starred, ill-fated, unlucky, and luckless, a word formed in parallel to hapless by adding the suffix -less. Ill-starred suggests bringing calamity or the threat of a terrible fate (“the ill-starred year the Great Depression began”). Ill-fated refers only to being doomed (“the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic”). Unlucky and luckless usually apply to a person or thing notably or chronically unfortunate (“an unlucky slots player,” “some luckless investors swindled in the deal”).


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The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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