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word of the day

The word for today is…

redaction (noun) – 1. The act or process of preparing a document for publication, especially by deleting private or sensitive information.
2. An edited work; a new edition or revision.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology :
Here’s a quiz for all you etymology buffs. Can you pick the words from the following list that come from the same Latin root?
A. redaction B. prodigal C. agent D. essay
E. navigate F. ambiguous
If you guessed all of them, you are right. Now, for bonus points, name the Latin root that they all have in common. If you knew that it is the verb agere, meaning to “to drive, lead, act, or do,” you get an A+. Redaction is from the Latin verb redigere (“to bring back” or “to reduce”), which was formed by adding the prefix red- (meaning “back”) to agere. Some other agere offspring include act, agenda, cogent, litigate, chasten, agile, and transact.


The Good Oil Daily Roundup

The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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