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word of the day

The word for today is…

evince (verb) – To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Let us conquer any uncertainty you may have about the history of evince. It derives from Latin evincere, meaning “to vanquish” or “to win a point,” and can be further traced to vincere, Latin for “to conquer.” In the early 1600s, evince was sometimes used in the senses “to subdue” or “to convict of error,” meanings evincing the influence of its Latin ancestors. It was also sometimes used as a synonym of its cousin convince, but that sense is now obsolete. One early meaning, “to constitute evidence of,” has hung on, however, and in the 1800s it was joined by another sense, “to reveal.”


The Good Oil Daily Roundup

The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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