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word of the day

The word for today is…

chivy (verb) – 1. To vex or harass with petty attacks.
2. To manoeuvre or secure gradually.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : Chivy, which is also spelled chivvy, became established in our language in the 19th century and, at first, meant “to harass or chase.” Early usage examples are of people chivying a chicken around to catch it and of a person chivying around food that is frying. The verb comes from a British noun chivy meaning “chase” or “hunt.” That chivy is believed to be derived from Chevy Chase—a term for “chase” or “confusion” that is taken from the name of a ballad describing the 1388 battle of Otterburn between the Scottish and English. (A chase in this context is an unenclosed tract of land that is used as a game preserve.)
