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word of the day

The word for today is…

embezzle (verb) – To take (money one has been entrusted with) for personal use.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : English has a lot of verbs that mean “to steal,” including pilfer, rob, swipe, plunder, filch, and thieve. Embezzle differs from these by stressing the improper appropriation of property to which a person is entrusted—often in the form of company funds. First appearing in English in the 15th century, embezzle derives via Middle English from the Anglo-French embesiller, meaning “to make away,” formed from the prefix en- and the verb besiller, meaning “to steal or plunder.” Related to embezzle is bezzle, a verb used in some British English dialects to mean “to waste or plunder” or “to drink or eat to excess.”
