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World Class Cock

Burton and his ilk should wake up to the realities about jobs.

Photo by Marten Bjork / Unsplash

Sir Bob Jones

A Wellington employment lawyer, David Burton, submitted an article to Wellington’s Post newspaper arguing against the government’s working from home measures.

First he claimed it was motivated by the government’s desire to assist Wellington retailers. That’s absolute cock. He’s not alone in that assertion albeit produces no evidence for the very good reason that he made it up. Not once did the government say that in their announcement.

Rather their action was motivated by commonsense, as is now happening worldwide. Specially, they offer full-time jobs and not unreasonably want applicants to do those jobs full time on their premises. If applicants don’t want to then they shouldn’t apply.

It’s that simple.

Burton quotes international employment agents Robert Walters saying research shows employees like “working” from home. What a surprise? I don’t doubt that for a minute. Offer them the option of not working at all and being paid for it and surprise, surprise, they’d like that even more.

Robert Walters occupy one our office towers and we’re close to some of their key personnel.

The big problem they currently face is actually finding vacancies in the recession, not finding job applicants.

Burton and his ilk should wake up to the realities about jobs. They’re created by employers, who alone, constrained only by various legal elements, determine their details such as where they work. So I repeat; if applicants don’t like those terms, then don’t apply.

 This article was originally published by No Punches Pulled.
