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Faux-tivist Sea Rottman

Meet the Plonkers.

Plonker-in-Chief is an Austrian-born socialist control-freak with a mental disorder. I’m not sure the world is ready for another one of those.

Nevertheless, she is here, ready to cripple the capital’s transport movements on Monday, extolling her charges to face arrest if necessary, to further her intellectually-stunted world-view and create ‘rebellion’. She is a self-described ‘pre-traumatic stress disorder sufferer’ and ‘activist’.  Sea Rottman (although faux-tivist may be a better description), of ‘Extinction Rebellion’ is determined to disrupt Wellington this coming Monday.

Faux-tivist Rottman earns that title for her willingness to encourage her simpleton followers to face arrest in the name of climate-crisis. But – she is unwilling to risk that same outcome for herself, because for Precious, “It would be career-limiting if I was … arrested or convicted”. Poor thing. She ‘has to travel internationally’ for her work, spraying exhaust fumes all over her arrested followers in her wake as she jets off overseas to plan for a fossil-fuel-free world by 2025. I kid you not.

The faux-tivist hypocrite plans to disrupt our commute, to protest ‘carbon’, but recommends her fondlings, can you believe it, use a car, catch a bus, take the train or ferry to protest. I tell no lie:

The clown apparently sees no irony whatsoever in this. Surely she should be extolling the dumpty-doo’s that plan to disrupt our day in order to save the world from deadly carbon, to run, jog, scoot, hop, cycle, crawl or simply walk to protest, allowing them to experience what a fossil-fuel-free world will feel like.

But then again, catching a pic of the behemoth, I suspect she’s not a huge fan of walking. Don’t get me wrong, she is huge and I just strongly suspect vigorous exercise is not her thing:

Faux-tivist Sea Rottman

When her majestic largesse claims “my aim is to make a  difference and influence people to be more aware or reducing consumption” I think she actually seeks to ensure there’s more left over for her own plate, the underlying motive of most socialist mickey-mouthpieces.

Our hysterical faux-tivist is so very concerned about rising sea-levels that she lives right next to the beach at Wellington’s very lowest-lying place: Moa Point. She’s not even trying to hide her massive hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. How do even the utterly stupid fall for these side-show charlatans?

She’s  claiming to be anti-extinction but I propose the only extinction she  possibly faces is falling asleep on the little beach opposite her house  and being claimed as taonga by local iwi arriving with a chainsaw to take out her lower jaw.

Transport for me, but not for thee. Consumption for me, but not for thee. Arrest for thee, but not for me.  She is truly world-class plonkery writ large. Very large.


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