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white and orange UNK on brown wooden log

Sir Bob Jones

Last Saturday at midday, a 4-metre tree fell over in central Wellington’s Midland Park, on to the pavement.

As gardeners know this is a common Spring event for deciduous trees, as in this case, which have not budded and are plainly dead.

I have 50 acres of gardens and each Spring this occurs several times, occasionally over my winding near mile long drive.

My gardeners grab the chainsaw, cut off the limbs (in the Wellington case about five), pull them to the edge and saw them into small lengths. All in, at most a five minute exercise.

Midland Park marks the widest part of Lambton Quay.

So how did the “authorities” cope this this “crisis”?

First, God only knows why, the Police were called. Then the Fire Brigade and city emergency services turned up, according to the Dominion-Post, to “provide scene protection” whatever that means.

And finally after an hour, a contractor was called to carry out the 5 minute cutting up exercise.

All in this carry-on was a world-class display of wetness in coping with a trivial, easily fixed matter.

Also, I reluctantly must concede, it’s vintage Wellington imbued as it is in bureaucratic nonsense.

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Face of the Day

Legend Eddie Low has died. He was educated at the Foundation for the Blind in Auckland. He started his first band when he was 13 and called it the Three Blind Mice.

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