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“Like a creepy neighbor…” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Is the “Disney Effect” the beginning of the end for corporate wokeness?

The Mega-Mouse has lost tens of billions in value in the wake of devastating leaks about its plans to insert LGBQWTIA+ (or whatever the Alphabet People are saying these days) “representation” into all of its products for kiddies, as well as joining in the corporate gang-beating of Florida’s parental rights bill. In the weeks since, corporates have been notably back-pedalling on the woke virtue-signalling.

Netflix (which has been haemorrhaging subscribers) has openly told its Millennial employees that if they don’t like its product, they know where the door is. There has also been a distinct (though not complete) corporate absence from the chorus of autistic screeching resulting from the leaked ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.

As one commentator has put it, “there’s always one kid in the neighbourhood, who has to suffer 3rd-degree burns, for the other kids to learn that it’s unwise to launch bottle rockets from their butt cracks. It turns out that Disney is butt-crack kid”.

They’re not alone, though.

State Farm said it will be donating books that promote transgenderism to Florida schools for children as young as five, a leaked internal email from the company shows.

The car insurance company encouraged its Florida agents to volunteer to receive books about gender identity and donate them to their community schools or public libraries by the end of April. The three books — “A Kids Book About Being Transgender,” “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary,” and “A Kids Book About Being Inclusive” — are intended for kindergarten and above.

State Farm insurance is the kid who lit the fuse on their own rockets a few seconds later and is watching Disney hop and howl with a sense of growing alarm.

Keep in mind that its own email makes clear that this sexualised grooming material was to be aimed at children as young as five.

The company has since appeared to backtrack in a statement, saying participating State Farm agents “are not being asked to share with schools,” according to the Washington Examiner.

Concerned State Farm employees leaked the internal email to Consumers’ Research, according to the nonprofit’s Executive Director Will Hild, who reported the story on Twitter. The email is dated January 18 and was sent by Jose Soto, a State Farm corporate responsibility analyst based in Florida.

Not coincidentally, perhaps, Florida is one of the epicentres of the anti-Groomer backlash. Governor Ron de Santis’ Parental Rights in Education bill (falsely labelled “Don’t Say Gay” by opponents) is directly aimed at stopping sexualised content being directed at children by educators and activists.

The email caused a stir on social media, with many Twitter users reacting to the news by saying they would cancel or avoid State Farm insurance policies.

“Shopping 2 homes and 3 cars – scratch State Farm off the list. Spending $$$ in neutral corps or those that share my values. #StateFarmNope,” wrote one Twitter user.

“I’m changing my homeowner’s and auto policies. @StateFarm will not get my business. Groomer freaks,” wrote another.

State Farm responded to criticism in a statement to the Washington Examiner, saying the books initiative is “strictly voluntary” and that the program’s “strategy” has “evolved.”

In other words, they’ve seen the scorch marks on Disney’s arse and they’re pulling the rockets out of their own undies as fast as they can.

Now, Consumers’ Research has launched a multi-million dollar campaign to educate potential customers about State Farm’s partnership with The GenderCool Project.

“There once was a time when State Farm was a pillar of the local community, when the company stood for family values, supported local little league teams, and helped neighbors through a crisis,” reads one of the campaign’s ads titled “Not Your Parents’ State Farm,” which was provided to The Daily Wire.

“Today’s State Farm is something different,” the ad continues. “Is it appropriate for a big corporation like State Farm to use their agents to push politics on our kindergarteners?”

“No. It’s creepy,” the ad concludes, showing the text, “Like a creepy neighbor…,” a reference to State Farm’s familiar slogan, “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.”

The Daily Wire
“Like a creepy neighbour…” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Corporate wokeness has been driven for years by activists insinuating themselves into HR departments and by deceitful Twitter campaigns that convinced the boardroom that there was money at the end of the Alphabet Peoples’ rainbow, and that being cancelled was a death sentence.

Suddenly, they’re discovering the hard way the first rule of business: them what pays the piper calls the tune. And millions of customers across middle America aren’t about to buy a damn thing from a salesman caught with one hand down their kids’ pants.
