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Wouldn’t Front Media over Dickhead Health Minister; Will Do Cheesy PR Stunt with Nigel Latta

Editors note: Due to technical issues yesterday that prevented our articles from being viewed by most of our audience I have made the decision to republish them today.

The problem in New Zealand right now is that our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is all style over substance. She prefers to use choreographed stand ups and press conferences and cheesy stunts to gloss over the pig’s ear she is making of the economy.

A case in point was her no show at what was a daily press conference. She instead sent the hapless Grant Robertson to front media on a day when media were going to ask some very hard questions about why David Clark still has his job as Health Minister.

What was she doing instead? Well, she was playing cutesy and frowny face with sopping wet fool Nigel Latta:

That would be the same rather foolish Nigel Latta who tweeted this on February 5.

Yeah, nice one Nige, here we are in lockdown, jobs are being lost, businesses ruined and you are playing with the cool kids on Zoom.

Why didn’t you lecture the Prime Minister about not losing her shit when in your own words, “this is no big deal?”

It’s great to see her so happy and relaxed though, innit? Almost like nothing is wrong at all. Latta should have stuck to his Darklands series and not read or believed his own press.

Nigel Latta and Jacinda Ardern must surely be joint winners of dickheads of the day.
