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Wounds That Will Not Heal

a person cries
Photo by Aliyah Jamous The BFD

WARNING: This article contains graphic photos of surgery where perfectly healthy body parts are removed.

Many are heartbroken and outraged.

This article will expose some of the horrors of the pre-adolescence and teenage transgender agenda. Under the guise of supposedly stopping teenage suicides, it has morphed into a money-making business and, worse still, a mutilating disfiguration of healthy young bodies.

Jennifer Bilek, an investigative journalist has spoken out about who is behind the transgender agenda for children and teenagers and exposed their selfish motivations.

The objective, to get this taught in schools and universities, and both glamorised and normalised in the entertainment and film industry has been highly successful.

Sony Pictures Entertainment’s latest trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider–Verse promoted gender affirmation and child mutilation with a “Protect Trans Kids” flag prominently displayed.

John F. Trent April 4, 2023.

And who benefits? Big tech, big pharma, the media, cosmetics, photography, clothes manufacturers, modelling agencies, hospitals, surgeons, therapists, authors, medical and financial institutions and law firms. Certainly not the teenagers. The “sex reassignment” surgery market in the USA was valued at $1.9 billion in 2021. Children as young as 14 can undergo chest masculinisation and at 16, they can receive breast augmentation and facial surgery. At 17, children qualify for metoidioplasty, orchidectomy, vaginoplasty, hysterectomy and frontal–orbital remodelling.

Everyone is profiteering, says Bilek.

Gender transitioning is cruel, especially on developing bodies. Transgender transitioning surgery is complicated, bloody, barbaric, life changing and painful, and brutal in its crudity.

Choose your sex, they say. You can have a fulfilling life if you transition. It’s fun. Here’s how to change it. Doctors are prescribing puberty blockers and testosterone and oestrogen, and surgeons are profiteering by carrying out body-altering cutting, remodelling and skin grafting on thousands of teens. Even relocating a nipple risks medical complications of necrosis and nerve damage.

Dr Michael Laidlaw, US endocrinologist and specialist in childhood gender dysphoria calls it (the puberty blocker) a development blocker: it’s causing a disease. The disease in question is hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. It occurs when the brain fails to send the right signals to the gonads to make the hormones necessary for development.

Clinicians are prioritising ideology over health and safety. It is nothing less than child abuse.

Surgical augmentation is used to reconstruct in cases of trauma, cancer, or congenital defect. But to damage or remove healthy mammary, urinary and genital tissue on a whim is abhorrent and hopefully will soon become a criminal offence.

This mutilating surgery is carried out often with neither counselling nor informed consent of the risks and finality of the changes. Nor is postponement lawful.

In 2022 the NZ Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act was passed. Doctors, counsellors, and parents could be criminalised for delaying the ‘conversion’ of their child’s body or even discussing the negative sides of this transition. The bill bans the withholding of puberty blockers for a twelve-year-old boy, for example, because it is “conversion therapy” to stop him from making a life-changing decision about his body. Yet giving him hormones or radical surgery to ‘convert’ that same boy’s body into a girl’s is not considered conversion therapy.

The barbaric practice of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) is banned in New Zealand, yet it happens all the time in transgender surgery.

Only eight (National) MPs wanted the bill ‘tightened’, but Labour had the numbers.

In Australia in February 2021, a similar bill was passed after a marathon 12-hour debate in the Upper House. The Change and Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 (Vic) was not popular. There was huge opposition to it by the Law Institute, Australian Medical Association, and most faith groups. It was seen as an attack on parents’ rights and religious freedom and it introduced new criminal offences. A small victory was acknowledged when some MPs broke ranks and crossed the floor to vote against the bill.

Five statements about the impacts of the Bill:

  1. Parents could be jailed for up to 10 years under the Act.
  2. The law has “made sure” that you are prohibited from telling your child to wait until they are older before pursuing transgender therapies if they tell you they are transgender.
  3. Professional therapists are prohibited from dissuading a child from gender transitioning.
  4. You could be criminally prosecuted for seeking an opinion interstate.
  5. Your neighbour can report you for having the “wrong” conversation with your kids, and the government has the power to receive, investigate and prosecute these complaints.

There is now huge regret among many transitioned young people, resulting in thousands of lawsuits around the world. Disillusioned angry young adults were lied to. They now realise that getting pregnant, breastfeeding, and having sexual relationships are now fraught or impossible. They were experimented on and exploited and are casualties of greedy, unprincipled members of the medical fraternity. Young adults now are desperately wanting to detransition back to their biological sex. Brainwashed, confused, and to some extent programmed, teens are now suffering humiliation, defacement, severe psychological trauma, and irreversible changes to their bodies.

Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychologist, author, and commentator, speaks at length to Chloe Cole, a young woman who has been through this harrowing journey of transitioning from a young age. He said Chloe ought to have had counselling for an hour a week for six months minimum, to help her through her anxieties and concerns. She is instead now suing the surgeons who operated on her for damaging her young body and ruining her life. See here, The Wounds that Won’t Heal.

To paraphrase Douglas Murray: You can’t fix a software problem by changing the hardware.

Pictures of transgender surgery are below. Be warned, they are graphic.

Suprapubic tube which goes directly into bladder and another catheter into the urethra.
Phalloplasty: penis created from forearm skin flap.
Arm shaving for a skin graft to form a penis.
Breasts removed.
