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The BFD. Cartoon credit Jim Hubbard

In attempting to disparage the new National Party leadership as something from the Stone Age, cartoonist Jim Hubbard actually does “Saint Judith of Papakura” (no internal bias there) great credit.

The BFD. Cartoon credit Jim Hubbard

The plagiarised theme is woefully unoriginal, obviously, but unintentionally accurate as Judith grimaces getting traction, taking the load of an uphill battle without complaint, just doing the hard work to get the Nat’s over the rise and, as we all know, thanks to her energy, her impetus, her inertia, once those heavy rollers are moving – they’ll be bloody hard to stop.

Ms Collins should ask for a copy, and hang it with pride in her office. If that’s the Left’s take on her leadership, and since plagiarism seems all ok with the other mob now, all I have to say is:

The BFD. Image credit Idbkiwi

That Flintstone-car meme is gonna’ backfire on them; I tells ya.

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