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Jacinda Ardern PM hijab hug Prime Minister Muslim Islam Terror attack Christchurch

That ‘Boss-Lady’ Jacinda Ardern can’t fathom something comes as no surprise to anybody actually observing her, as opposed to her fan-base which glibly thumbs-up her every face-page post. So when she says “I cannot fathom how at any point someone would think that was a good idea, it’s caused harm, it’s caused hurt, they should apologise” she could be talking about anything, but; yes, apologies are in order.

She could have been talking about ramping up the promise of affordable housing, or of thousands of Kiwibuild first-homes, or of ending child poverty, only to let all the hopefuls down with an inglorious thud. Apology?

She could have been talking about being in charge of changes to gun-laws which enabled the psychotic Aussie in his evils. That’s an apology due, right there.

She could be talking about instituting an illegal nationwide lock-down, threatening the public with force both police and military to enforce it, all based on unscientific numbers wildly exaggerated, subsequently destroying businesses and lives. The wreckage of which she overlooked without so much as a by-your-leave, let alone a ‘sorry ’bout that’.

The BFD. Cartoon credit Sonovamin

But the unfathomable one was talking about a private company pulling a very stupid stunt, promising but not delivering $5 notes from the sky. How very shallow; much like the PM’s conscience, and her ability.

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