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Yes It Is a Health Service Crisis

The BFD. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.



Ministry of Health data, released two days ago, shows that it is not due to Covid. Sunday morning both main newspapers rushed to ask the experts.

In the NZ Herald, Associate Professor Dr. Siouxsie Wiles, frequent media commentator and expert on the bioluminescence of superbugs, said she was frustrated because:

“There wasn’t a critical mass of people using basic Covid-19 protections…such as RATs, masks, self-isolation and vaccines…I don’t understand why we aren’t using these measures we know work.”

Even though we are arguably the most highly vaccinated, tested, and masked nation in the world, apparently it isn’t enough for Dr. Wiles.

Epidemiologist Dr. Michael Baker often referred to as “New Zealand’s expert”, echoed Dr. Wiles when he called for more compulsory masking and a return to strict government-mandated lockdown orders.

Vaccine-champion Dr. Baker diverged from Wiles and additionally called for new vaccines to be produced (presumably ones that he imagined might actually work).

In Stuff, Covid Response Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall said we are “flying blind,” and the situation is “getting more challenging.” The article summarised:

“Hospitals are under extreme pressure: In Northland, emergency department patients are being seen in corridors or treated in chairs. A woman who left an overloaded emergency department in Auckland due to an hours-long wait died, and Christchurch is reporting “all-time high” patient numbers.”

Dr. Verrall advised people to get masked up and boosted. Yes, Dr. Verall, but we already are.

Cellular immunologist Dr. Anna Brooks, who describes herself as a Long Covid advocate, joined the expert crowd in blaming Covid for our health woes but added the word ‘reinfection’, saying that 1% of Covid cases were reinfections.

Sorry Dr. Brooks, a 1% rate of Covid reinfections cannot be sinking our health service; that is a statistical impossibility.

Wellington epidemiologist and public health expert Dr. Amanda Kvalsvig also blamed Covid for our health woes and called for a high suppression strategy to protect our school system whereby we could hide at home while government workers bring us safely sanitized meals on wheels. An apparent adaptation of the unpopular and failing Chinese model.

NZ’s expert Dr. Baker elaborated—we need to “normalise the new normal” by launching “a new revolution in the air that we share.” We all need to follow suit for the foreseeable future by using high-quality, respirator-style masks. Did he mean aqualung suits? I’m not sure.

Dr. Baker described this as an “arms race.” The trouble is that no one knows who or what we are actually racing against.

If It Is Not Covid, What Is Going on?

Yesterday the Ministry of Health reported that just nine people in the whole of New Zealand are in intensive care for Covid—less than 4% of operative New Zealand intensive care beds.

In December last year, the government reported that we could triple ICU capacity at the drop of a hat should the need arise. Clearly, Covid hasn’t brought the New Zealand health service to its knees, so what has?

Dr. Verrall is right that we are flying blind.

As I reported two days ago, we are not being given the information we need to sort this out. Apparently, no one, including our Covid Response Minister, knows what people are crowding into hospitals for. We have no information on the rates of specific conditions.

If you have worked in food safety, you know that a little focused information gathering goes a long way. Dr. Verrall should know this; also, she received her expert qualification in tropical medicine, bioethics, and international health (yes, bioethics) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Alabama University, and the Gorgas Institute in Peru, focusing on tuberculosis.

The health service is stretched, but Dr. Verrall can quickly get a handle on the situation by undertaking focused sampling of specific conditions at a single DHB or hospital.

This should give her (and us) a reliable indication of why people are being hospitalized or reporting sick to their GPs in record numbers. I’m not sure why she hasn’t already done this?

Aside from blaming Covid, Dr. Verrall also mentioned winter flu, although no one appears sure if this has even arrived yet.

The UK also has excess all-cause mortality at a rate very similar to ours, but they are not in flu season; the northern hemisphere is in the middle of summer.

Their official figures also reveal excess mortality is not due to Covid, but like us, rates of specific conditions have not been made available.

We are in the midst of a health crisis. We have introduced a novel biotech ‘vaccine’ which operates in a way never before used on the public. The safety trials were never completed and their integrity has been questioned.

The rates of adverse effects, including serious effects, are running at 50 times any previous vaccine. Published studies are questioning vaccine safety.

Studies point to reduced immunity. Excess all cause deaths are at record levels. Birth rates have dropped to record lows around the world. What is difficult about these clues?

We are being told to treat the New Zealand government as our one source of truth and advised not to stray into the uncharted territory of other ‘sources’ (???).

What do we do if the government pretends not to know and apparently doesn’t appear ready to find out?

Do you feel like me that we are being trained not to ‘read’? People who ‘read’ are being labelled as alien conspiracy theorists, naughty nerds, or even by our PM as terrorists about to start a war. Is this the modern NZ equivalent of book burning?

You don’t have to stray very far from the authorised government expert reading list to find evidence of the source of our health crisis.

If you dare, have a quick gander for example, at the Australian magazine Air Line Pilot October/November 2021 edition, a page 15 table reports one pilot died in 2019, 6 in 2020, and 111 in 2021. Pilots are vaccine mandated.

There is a similar mysterious rise in sudden deaths among sports people. Or go and ask funeral homes, the ACC, emergency responders, or insurance companies what is happening. They’ll tell you, even if Dr. Verrall can’t or won’t.

Apparently, no one in the conventional medical system wants to blame a vaccine for anything, but when all other possible causes have been eliminated, you may have to bow to the inevitable and accept the need for careful evaluation through the collection and publication of detailed statistics across a very broad range of conditions. It’s the traditional and reliable way these things are worked out,

Come on Dr. Verrall, step up to the plate. Wittering on about “troubled times ahead” due to as yet unknown Covid variants doesn’t cut the expert mustard.

Move out from under the shadow of our all-knowing Prime Minister. The house is on fire. First of all, identify exactly which house is on fire, and then get out the fire hoses.


The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

Andrew Coster is off to another cushy taxpayer funded trough – one where his particular brand of sopping-wet wokeness will fit right in. He should have been sacked outright, but here we are.

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