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Yesterday was ‘World News Day’

The BFD. Newspapers of New Zealand

Yesterday, apparently it was ‘World News Day’, gosh.

Stuff ‘n Nonsense have published an editorial to accompany the passing of this ignominious event by declaring that “trust” is now “their most important currency”. They may be smarting from the second-lowest “trust” rating as reported by Horizon Research in April this year when their “Trust in news in New Zealand” survey respondents were asked “How trustworthy would you say news from the following brands is? Please use the scale below, where 0 is “not at all trustworthy” and 10 is “completely trustworthy”.

Stuff came in (just) above openly far-left The Spinoff.

The extremely poor rating is well-deserved, we all know that, because they lack objectivity, an essential cog in trust transmission, signing up, as they do, to numerous lefty causes which effectively blinkers their view.

Unabashed, shame on them, by their social-warrior self-parody, they even cite their causes as reasons to trust them, including the ‘Facebook boycott’ engineered by the marxist and ridulously hyperbolic ‘#colorofchange’ movement out of the USA:


In celebration of their new-found trustiness, they have taken the opportunity to publish an “editorial code of practice”, announced in typical leftist gobbledygook, I kid you not:

We’re building signposts to introduce the reader to who’s writing what, and why. Today, we’re publishing our own editorial code of practice and ethics. It’s a crucial guardrail document we adhere to…

Good grief! What utter nonsense, but, believe me, the opening statement of the “crucial guardrail document” is absolutely hilarious:


I nearly coughed up my coffee! But I knew I’d heard that phrase uttered somewhere before:


That’s not ‘trust’; that’s plagiarism.

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