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Yesterday You Wore a Mask, Today You Don’t…what’s Changed?

wore a mask

Yesterday some of you were still wearing masks, today you will finally play catch up with where some of us have been for three years. What’s changed?  Well, nothing actually, except the polling the Government undertakes, which must be showing that we have tired of the charade. Those of you who wore a mask until yesterday must surely be thinking what on earth for?

The science hasn’t changed at all. There isn’t a single peer-reviewed study in the world that shows mask wearing is effective at combatting an airborne virus that is many, many times smaller than the material that masks are made of, even N95 masks. Not one. While there are plenty more studies and real-life examples which show that they don’t work.

Same for the vaccines, they never worked as intended, and yet the Government is still pimping them. But now the dying starts…and it won’t be the unvaccinated dying it will be the vaccinated. A massive health crisis is building now. How do I know this? Because every highly vaccinated country in the world is showing massive all-cause death spikes.

Sustained, as-yet unheard of excess mortality trends have struck Switzerland.

The UK Government admits COVID-vaccinated children are 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated children.

Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 per cent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August – far above the five-year average.

Are you getting the picture yet?

The dishonesty and fraud perpetrated on billions by various Governments and Big Pharma is larger than even Enron, or the Global Financial Crisis.

Those of you who succumbed to the fear, and bought into the vaccines and masks, along with the creation of a two-tier society should hang your heads in shame. Once you’ve reflected on your cowardice and shame then perhaps you might like to phone someone you know who stood strong, did not capitulate in fear, and actually fought for freedom and bodily autonomy, and thank them profusely for fighting the tyranny no matter the personal cost to them. It’s the least they deserve.

We always say Lest We Forget, to remember the sacrifice of those who fought for freedom. We now need to do this with regard to those who sought to demonise, ostracise and persecute those freedom fighters who stood strong.

We must never forget what was done to us and we must never let those who did it to us ever forget that we know what they did.

That means holding all the political parties currently in the Parliament to account. That includes National and Act who all, to a man said they’d do exactly what the Government did, only they’d have been more efficient at trampling over our rights and freedoms.

I will never forget. And I will never forgive them all for what they did.

What they did will be felt for years to come. The truly sad part of all of this is those who now have a poison coursing through their bodies that people like Jacinda Ardern told them was “safe and effective”. It was neither, and once it’s inside of you it can’t be removed.

Hey, we survived, not some virus, but their ridiculous attempt to force such nonsense on us. We won’t be feeling survivor’s remorse. We get to say a whole lot of “I told you so.”

What was done must never, ever be allowed to happen again.

This Government, aided and abetted by media and opposition parties destroyed an economy, friendships, families, careers, businesses and trust. The NZ Herald pushed vaccines harder than most. We must remind them of their advocacy when it becomes apparent that their support has actually killed people. Stuff was just as bad with their crusading and much much worse with their ongoing demonisation.

Never let them forget. Never trust them again. Trust us, not them.

For us here at The BFD, we saw unprecedented growth, as a result of doing what the mainstream media failed to do, present information and facts to let people choose for themselves. We added over a thousand subscribers during the pandemic. We’ve grown, and we are now at the point where we will be exploring having our own reporters, especially at parliament. It just needs support.

Very soon we will be making some announcements about the way forward. We will be seeking your support in that momentous change of direction. But it is vitally important that we do this, especially as we head into election year next year.

We want to build a studio, purchase cameras, microphones and hire staff. We are ambitious, and we want to take the fight to the streets in election year.

We must power up, and take the fight to the politicians and their bedfellows in the corrupted mainstream media. It will take resources. Are you up for it?

We will be looking for more members, donations and sponsorships. If you think you can help then please get in touch with me.

For the first time in a long time, I am feeling positive about the future. It’s time to start fighting back. Join us in the fight if you aren’t already a member.

For those who are we thank you for your loyalty and your support. We fight the fight for you.

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