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The United States has gone from being a beacon on the hill of democracy to a pale imitation of the late-stage Soviet Union or Communist China. Show trials, mass arrests of dissidents, relentless propaganda, the weaponisation of every arm of the state against opponents of the ruling regime. What quietly bubbled along under the Obama regime is open and unapologetic under Biden.

Remember, Biden came to power with a military occupation of the capital, complete with barbed-wire, cement bollards, and thousands of troops carefully vetted for loyalty to the regime. The paranoia and abuse of power has only continued, with anyone and everyone even remotely connected with the former administration targeted with ludicrous, trumped-up charges, and even a raid on the former President’s home.

Let’s hope Merrick Garland’s search of Mar-a-Lago is based on more evidence than his indictment of the Louisville, Kentucky, police officers involved in the raid on Breonna Taylor’s house.

Garland’s vindictive pursuit of the police is emblematic of the destruction of the American justice system under the increasingly far-left, authoritarian Democrat party. The Dems can’t go after the officers who actually fired the shots, because it’s indisputable that they were being shot at.

Instead, our lunatic attorney general has indicted officers who prepared the affidavit used to obtain the warrant to search Taylor’s home. In the words of the indictment, the affidavit “contained information that was false, misleading and out-of-date … and the officers lacked probable cause for the search.”

This is as ludicrous as the media narrative about “no-knock”. In fact, when police raided Taylor’s house as part of simultaneous raids targeting Jamarcus Glover, one of Louisville’s biggest suppliers of cocaine and fentanyl, they announced themselves three times. Each time, they got no response. When they finally used a battering ram, they were immediately shot.

The man with Taylor, Kenneth Walker, claims he shot at the officers because he thought the guys pounding on the front door and yelling “POLICE!” were home invaders. Skeptics will say that’s implausible, but it is now treated as hard fact in such solid, reliable news sources as The New York Times.

Breonna Taylor was shot because she made the bad choice of standing next to her boyfriend while he was shooting at police. Still, BLM rioted and her family got $12 million from the Democrat-run-for-decades city of Louisville.

One of the officers has already been acquitted in a state trial — so the federal Democrats are giving it another go. In a country run on the rule of law, this would be called “double jeopardy”. But this is Joe Biden’s America, where the regime will get its enemies, by hook or by very crooked crook.

Consider the claims that Garland’s Feds say were “false”:

1. Glover and Taylor had an “ongoing connection”;

2. Glover used Taylor’s address as his residence;

3. Glover received packages at Taylor’s address.

In fact, Taylor’s relationship with Jamarcus Glover dates back to at least 2016. That was when Taylor loaned Glover her car — which somehow ended up having a dead guy in the trunk.

But that was four years before the raid! Surely, Breonna wised up after the body-in-the-trunk incident and dumped Jamarcus like a hot potato. Right?

Nope! Taylor continued bonding Glover out of jail through his many arrests from 2016 to 2020. He called Taylor from jail at least 26 times during those four years — that can be proven — including on Jan. 3, 2020, three months before the raids. During that call from January 2020, the two talk about sleeping together and exchange “I love you’s” […]

GPS tracking showed his car driving to Taylor’s house six times in January 2020 alone.

That sure sounds like an “ongoing connection” to you or I, if not to Merrick Garland’s Gestapo.

Or as Glover’s baby mama put it, “This bitch (Breonna) where she’s been with you, since you ain’t been over at my house… she was in the bed with you, you kissing all over her.”

Whether the wandering Glover used Taylor’s house as his residence may be a bit murky, given that he, as his lady accused, “You bounce back and forth between these bitches.”

But he certainly used it as his address, as his bank records testify. He also gave police Taylor’s phone number as his own.

Finally, did he in fact receive packages at Taylor’s address?

This one’s the easiest to answer. The police had photos of Glover carrying a USPS package from her house on Jan. 16, 2020. His car pulls up, he walks into her house empty-handed, then emerges carrying the USPS package […]

Even the lawyer representing Taylor’s family wasn’t stupid enough to deny the packages.


If you think that all constitutes an iron-clad defence for the officers, you’re forgetting that this is Joe Biden’s America. An America where 90,000 new IRS agents are being handed lethal weapons, the Feds are rounding up enemies of the state, and actual cops are being “defunded” and hounded off the force.
