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Yet More Invented Human Rights

macro photography of green aphid
Photo by Viktor Forgacs

Sir Bob Jones

A United Nations employee, a Leilani Farha, described as a Special Investigator, recently wrote a report about our housing problems, which as an aside, is a current western world phenomenon. She wrote that the housing crisis was in fact, “a human rights crisis”.

Not content with inventing that right and now on a roll, she added five more created rights she claimed related to housing. These were, “the right to live in peace, security and dignity” and to “equality and non-discrimination”.

Having spouted this rubbish she then contradicted herself by urging the government to legislate to make “livable housing” a right, the obvious deduction being that currently no such legal right exist, which it doesn’t.

The inability to distinguish between rights and aspirations is not simply a sematic issue. In fact it’s dangerous as once alleged natural human rights are invented, then an element of society, imbued in a life-long dependency entitlement at the expense of their fellow citizens, simply sit back and demand they’re honoured. The obligation to do so falls squarely on the shoulders of the majority who don’t rely on fictitious rights of employment, home ownership and so on ad infinitum, but get stuck in on their own behalf, usually with a great deal of initial hard graft, to fulfil their aspirations.

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