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(Yet More) MSM Lies About Freedom Protests

Finding the “violent imagery” is harder than “Where’s Wally?” The BFD.

As the Freedom Movement grows and thousands of peaceful protesters take to the streets of Melbourne, what are the media to do? They can’t just pretend that tens of thousands of people didn’t march on Melbourne’s parliament. They can’t even find a few isolated nongs to try and paint the entirely peaceful protests as “violent”.

So, the mainstream media do what they always do — lie.

On Monday night, those protests took on a darker dimension as violent imagery was wheeled out and death threats were levelled against the Premier.

So — where’s the “violent imagery”? This is the same media, remember, who clutched their pearls over a single anti-Gillard protest sign saying, “Ditch the Witch” and plastered it on the news endlessly to smear Tony Abbott. All it took during the gay marriage debate was a single, unsubstantiated report of “homophobic posters” and the mainstream media went beserk. Only one — to their credit, Buzzfeed — actually investigated the report… and found nothing.

You can be absolutely certain that if there was a single incident of “violent imagery” and “death threats” at the protest, the media would be wall-to-wall fog-horning it for days.

But they got nothin’.

This, apparently, is the best the ABC could come up with:

Is this the best they can come up with? The BFD.

The media are lying through their teeth again. Just as they lied about the protesters “defacing” the Shrine of Remembrance.

Several protesters have told the ABC they and their families have been affected by vaccine mandates, and anti-vaccination views were promoted at the gatherings.

Again: proof of “anti-vaccination views”? None given. You have to take the ABC’s word for it — and more fool you, if you do.

Dr Barnet said the group had shifted its focus from lockdowns to vaccinations as the pandemic progressed.

Well, duh. Because they’re freedom protests: freedom from being locked down and freedom from being forced to undergo a medical procedure against people’s will.

She said the conspiracy theories like QAnon, which had been present throughout the protests, along with the increasingly violent language, appeared to have been inspired by the movement in the United States.

“To return to QAnon, you do see, or have seen in in America quite violent metaphors and images being used — you know, to hang journalists, for example — at some of those rallies in America,” she said.

“And possibly, those types of metaphors and images have been imported, along with the conspiracy theory.”

ABC Australia

Once again, not a single shred of evidence is given to support these claims.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: the ABC and their pet “academic” (one who, notably, has supported Jacinda Ardern’s “Christchurch Call”, and gibbers anti-“Murdoch” conspiracy theories) provide absolutely no evidence for their extraordinary claims.

On the other hand, is it really an extraordinary claim that the media constantly lie to us, and defame everyone who goes against their narrative as “right-wing extremists”?

After all, we have evidence aplenty for that.

In contrast to the mainstream media’s hyperventilating, here are the Freedom protesters, in their own words. Try and spot the “violent imagery” or “far-right conspiracy theories”. Go on.

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