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Yet More of That Non-existent ABC Bias

If Australians had a choice, they’d bin the ABC. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Australia’s taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda unit national broadcaster is absolutely unbiased. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. Just ignore all that blatant bias.

This is, after all, the taxpayer-funded broadcaster whose journalists almost uniformly vote for left-wing parties: in fact, ABC staff are four times more likely to vote Green than the rest of Australia. More than a few ABC journalists are literally in bed with left-wing politicians.

The ABC is so unbiased that its sole program hosted by an ostensible conservative is branded Counterpoint. Which begs the question: “counterpoint” to what?

Never mind that the ABC is required by law to be impartial. Like any quango, it’s long been captured by the Long March of the left. Its bias is so pervasive that its own staff can’t even see it. Locked in their tiny Harbour-side echo chamber, the cosseted luvvies just assume that everyone thinks like them. Like Pauline Kael, they almost certainly don’t know a single person who voted differently to them.

But, just in case there’s anyone who still seriously thinks the ABC is unbiased, another ABC staffer has shot their mouth off on Twitter and given the game away. I guess we should thank Twitter for something, at least.

An ABC lawyer who provided legal advice for Monday night’s Four Corners episode on the Morrison government’s handling of Brittany Higgins’ rape allegations faces an internal investigation for posting disparaging tweets against Scott Morrison and the Coalition.

Sebastien Maury, who is credited on Monday’s Four Corners episode, has called the Morrison government “fascist” and labelled the Prime Minister an “awful human being”.

Oh, come now, that’s not bias. Everyone at the ABC knows that.

In tweets as early as this month, Mr Maury compared Attorney-General Christian Porter and his denial of rape allegations to the accusations of sexual assault levelled at US Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanagh.

Well, yes. Somehow I don’t think this ABC twit realises that he’s making the best argument against his own vicious stupidity.

In November last year after an earlier Four Corners episode on Mr Porter’s personal life, Mr Maury said Mr Porter should lose his job.

“Aaaaand here we go. Porter. Maybe not quite rising to the status of PM then after all … Honestly. If this doesn’t finish his career, then nothing means anything,” he said.

Mr Maury attacked Mr Morrison directly over a number of years, and in September 2019 called him an “awful human being.”

“Morrison has been dreadful at all the jobs to which he’s turned his clumsy hands. Winning the election was a fluke and he’s – frankly – a bad person and an awful prime minister,” Mr Maury tweeted.

An ABC spokeswoman on Tuesday said Mr Maury had “minimal involvement” in Monday night’s Four Corners despite being credited, and the tweets had been referred for investigation.

In other words, it’s being swept under the carpet. ABC management will try and disappear the story and wait a few months before announcing that, in the opinion of the ABC, the ABC isn’t at all biased, in fact, it’s a “national treasure” and can they please have another billion taxpayer dollars.

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg told The Australian that the ABC lawyer’s tweet raised concerns about the ABC’s commitment to impartiality.

The Australian

Which is all well and good: but what is the Coalition government going to do about it? Nothing, as usual.

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