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Cameron (pictured last year in the Oval Office) is considered a rising star in the Republican party. Trump on Wednesday praised Cameron’s ‘fantastic’ handling of the Breonna Taylor case and called him ‘really brilliant’ and a ‘star’



US election night 2024.

President-elect Ron DeSantis gives a rousing victory speech to his supporters from the steps of the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee promising that abolishing laws, regulations and other measures which have advanced tyranny over the years will be his top priority, along with restoring “American Values”. In the background cheering wildly is the now Vice President-elect Daniel Cameron.

Wait; what? who?

My batting average at predicting how American politics unfold, often years in advance, has been pretty good up until now. I have absolutely no doubt that, alas, President Trump’s health won’t last the distance and he will withdraw sometime over the next year and a half. Sad but probably inevitable. The next president will be Ron DeSantis (a long-held prediction).

His offsider will be Daniel Cameron, whom I long predicted would become Attorney-General then Governor of Kentucky, before the vice-presidency and later the top job in 2033. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of him, dear reader. In 2019 Cameron sought the office of Attorney-General of Kentucky and was subjected to the most vicious, disgraceful, and blatantly racist abuse imaginable by the Democratic party. I know because we spent two weeks in October 2019 helping him during that election campaign, shoving leaflets into letterboxes in northern Kentucky.

The reason for all the abuse he received is simple – Cameron is a black conservative Republican.
Cameron (pictured last year in the Oval Office) is considered a rising star in the Republican party. Trump on Wednesday praised Cameron’s ‘fantastic’ handling of the Breonna Taylor case and called him ‘really brilliant’ and a ‘star’

Democrats like their blacks to be ‘under control’, conforming to various stereotypes (the gangbanger, the welfare recipient, the victim, the maid, the janitor, the prison inmate), not free thinkers and conservatives. Or (heaven forbid) rich! Liberal elitists feel most comfortable around ‘professional’ blacks (someone who plays the role of “black man” for a living) just as they like ‘professional’ gays (playing a role of over the top camp behaviour).

The most notable example of the ‘professional’ black, who played the role to perfection in front of elitists vacationing in Nantucket during August, was Barry Cobalmer, who realised it was the way to the White House; it left everyone else faintly sickened that a person would degrade themselves in such a fashion. Even more sickening is how liberal elitists don’t realize how racist they actually are.

Dan Cameron has recently launched his campaign to be Governor of Kentucky and predictably it’s been met with racist abuse from the Democrats, who are trying to do everything possible to stop him. The same sorts of people who talk about the need for more ‘diversity’ in politics. I am not the only chap in town who knows how this is going to unfold: who knows that Cameron as Vice Presidential candidate in 2024 results in a fairly inevitable landslide.

A black vice-president who is sane, intelligent, well respected and sober (vis-a-vis the current black vice-president) is not what the left-wingers want; it doesn’t conform to their stereotypical perceptions of black people; doesn’t fit with their endless ‘America is a racist country’ con game. An impossible target to shoot at, just as Ron Reagan was Teflon coated from anything thrown at him four decades back.

It also invites people to ask annoying questions such as, “Why don’t the Democrats have any candidates like that nice Mr Cameron?”
