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You Can Hide the Data but You Can’t Hide the Bodies

People Carrying Coffin
Photo by cottonbro. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science



As August 2022 draws to a close there is an accumulation of evidence that just can’t be denied any longer. Much of the world is reporting excess deaths. More people are dying than before. And not just old people. And the excess deaths cannot be explained by COVID-19 disease.

Excess Deaths in the UK

On August 29 2022 prominent YouTuber Dr John Cambell published a talk entitled ‘Excess Deaths, the data’. Have a scroll through the comments on the video too.

Dr Campbell presented data to show:

  • Excess deaths in Scotland are now 11% above average and have been above average for the last 26 weeks. The Scottish Parliament has launched an official enquiry into its excess deaths.
  • In England and Wales 1000 excess deaths per week occurred in 14 of the last 15 weeks. These are non-COVID-19 excess deaths.
  • The UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) reported that people who would have died in 2022 due to old age have already died due to COVID-19 in the previous 2 years. So, there should be fewer deaths than expected. But there aren’t.
  • Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Oxford University said that excess deaths began to increase noticeably from around the end of April. They have stayed high compared with the past seven years. The signals in the data suggest something is not quite right.  Sustained rises in deaths should trigger an investigation.

The following analysis of ONS data on excess deaths shows that the increases in death are across all age groups.

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A few days earlier on August 25th Mark Steyn drew attention to excess deaths of athletes, and excess deaths of working age adults reported in US data from the Society of Actuaries. He compared excess mortality in different countries in Europe and showed the most vaccinated countries had the highest excess deaths. And vice versa.

Excess Deaths in Israel

Data from Israel on excess deaths has just been released.

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You can check the data yourself on the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics.

Excess Deaths in Australia

And in Australia their excess death toll just keeps getting worse.

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The red area in the graph represents excess deaths above the baseline range. There have been around 15,000 excess deaths since October 2021.

Excess Deaths in NZ

And here in NZ excess deaths are currently running at 30% over the usual as we reported in The Normalisation of Sudden Death Drags On.

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The Otago University Department of Public Health recently published a blog in which they tried to show that NZ had one of the lowest excess death rates in the world. As reported by thehatchardreport the statistical sleight of hand trick they used to fool us was to report the accumulating excess death rate for the entire pandemic from 2020. They did not account for the fact that due to the extreme lockdown measures in 2020 and the resulting zero flu rate total deaths in NZ were very low – far lower than previous years. The correct comparison is to death rates prior to 2020.

Rachel Benns, President of the NZ Funeral Directors Association knows more people are dying. And she knows to compare current deaths to pre-2020 data. In a radio interview on TodayFM on 20th July 2022, Ms Benns estimated that there has been a 15% increase in deaths in NZ from 2018/2019 figures.

Just shows you can hide the data but you can’t hide the bodies.

In the Today FM article the increase in deaths was attributed to COVID-19 and the re-emergence of flu when NZ borders opened. NZ has one of the highest vaxed and boosted populations in the world. Who and why are people dying from COVID-19? KIBA Media answer the question in their review of NZ data.  Since the first booster campaign in November 2021 overall there has been an 18-fold increase in deaths, despite Omicron being the dominant variant. And the brunt of that has been borne by the elderly.

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And their next post showed the vaccination status of deaths where COVID-9 was the cause or was a contributing factor. Nearly 92% of people over 70 who died were fully vaccinated or boosted.

What are we doing?

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And it is the same in the UK. More elderly are dying from COVID than before despite vaccinations and boosters. A preprint report of an analysis of UK cases, hospitlisations and deaths from COVID-19 has found that the Omnicron surge in 2022 resulted in an increase in hospitisations for those aged 50 and over and an increase in deaths for those aged 75 and over. Of all those who died from Omicron COVID-19 a whopping 95.6% had pre-existing conditions. Furthermore the vaccine effectiveness for the third dose has been negative since December 20, 2022. That means people are more likely to get COVID19 after they have had three injections. That probably explains why the researchers found that cases and deaths in the vaccinated and boosted have risen but fallen in the unvaccinated.

Does it look like these shots protect the elderly to you?

Where have all the soldiers grandparents gone, long time passing?
Where have all the soldiers grandparents gone, long time ago?
Where have all the soldiers grandparents gone?
Gone to graveyards, everyone
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing?
Where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago?
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Gone to flowers, everyone
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

Pete Seegar, 1955
