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You Can’t Hide from the Dicks, Ladies

Just lie back and think of diversity.

Tasmanian women discovered, this week, that there is nowhere they can go to get away from men. The Tasmanian Gay and Bisexual Alliance had sought to exclude biological men and their penises from lesbian events, where penises are presumably about as sought after as a turd in a punchbowl.

Nothing doing, declared the state’s anti-discrimination commissioner. When it comes to “girl dick”, the ladies in overalls just have to suck it up. Probably literally: it’s “transphobic”, we are also told, for lesbians to refuse “girl dick”. I’m not making that up.

It’s also “transphobic” for women to object to their little daughters being exposed to a naked man’s penis.

A Black American woman in a Californian spa [was] horrified at the sight of a naked man in all his splendour walking around the women’s section of the spa where women and children are naked. The woman declared loudly that she doesn’t want any “swinging dicks” where women and children are in states of undress. She said the sight of the penis was traumatising.
Welcome to your transgender future, ladies. The BFD. Cartoon: Patriarchy Comics.

Staff refused to do anything about it, and the woman has since been vilified by the transgender movement. And the creep flashing himself to children has the full weight of the law and woke behind him.

Dr Ray Blanchard established the word “autogynephilia” to describe a sexual orientation defined by sexual arousal at the thought or image of oneself as a woman. Autogynephilia is a condition that seems to be exclusively felt by males who are typically sexually attracted to women, although they may also identify as asexual or bisexual.”

Some men with autogynephilia transition to live as women, usually later in life, when they feel they can no longer repress their impulses and live a life presenting as a male. They don’t usually have what is called “bottom surgery” and don’t necessarily have gender dysphoria.

In other words, these are men who get off on pretending to be women — and especially on exposing themselves to other women. Actual women are being forced, by law, to participate against their will in a psychologically troubled man’s public masturbation.

With the expansion of “trans” to include a range of males, including autogynephilic males and “non binary” males, many of them heterosexual, women are being asked to culturally condition themselves to get over the sight of male genitalia in a women’s spaces.

Laurie Penny, a prominent feminist, journalist and writer with over 176K followers on Twitter defended the transgender male person’s right to expose himself in a female space. She acknowledged the existence of trauma triggers for women at the sight of male genitalia in an intimate female space, but she said such feelings were “not always based in logic”.

When a man asked Penny about his daughter, who would be too traumatised to undress in front of a male-bodied person, and already has to endure the hypersexualisation of her body by society, Penny replied that his daughter’s need for same-sex spaces, might not be able to be balanced against “a trans women’s right to be included in public spaces to be free from harassment”.

Sorry, girls: you lose.

A female prisoner in the UK has lost a bid to make British prisons single-sex. But the case exposed some shocking — if unsurprising — statistics.

One surprise was the revelation that 50% of the males who are applying to enter the female prisons in the UK are sex offenders. The other was that the Crown brought in a person who was both a queer theory academic and criminology specialist, to address this issue. The queer theory “criminologist” claimed that the reason there were so many sex offenders among the transgender identifying male prisoners, was that the prisoners were identifying as transgender to access the female estate.

So they’re straight up admitting that creepy men are weaponising “transgender” status in order to get access to women. And they’re taking the side of the predators.

Ultimately the British court made it clear that there was a conflict between trans rights and women’s safety, but because of the raft of legislation that has been passed, it was unable to protect the women prisoners from the male transgender prisoners.

Spectator Australia

It should surprise no one, except the “intelligentsia”, that female prisoners are now being brutally assaulted by “transgender” prisoners. Little girls are being subjected to parading, naked men.

All the things that the “progressives” insisted were just a bunch of “transphobic lies”.

I think all we know who the liars are.

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