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You Couldn’t Be More Wrong, Pal

swap seats
Luxon Nicola Willis

Christopher Luxon has just finished up his caucus retreat, and in his stand up with the hostile media he said National would focus on the economy, Covid-19, and Maori.

“It’s game on.”

That’s the message from National leader Christopher Luxon in his speech to MPs at the party’s caucus retreat in Queenstown.

Luxon will hope to use the weekend to reset the mood of the caucus after years of factional infighting.

The retreat will focus on topics Luxon thinks will be important in the new year: The economy, Covid-19, and Maori.

NZ Herald

Maori? Seriously? Most New Zealanders reached peak Maori years ago. Secondly, Maori simply don’t vote for National. I know of a former cabinet minister who even worked out a chart of diminishing returns for how much money National had to throw at Maori to reach zero votes from them.

But in the top three things? The man has cabbage for brains. He’s trying to out woke Labour.

People have had a gutsful of it all.

What he should be saying is that National vehemently opposes the rise of a segregationist two-tier New Zealand based on race, which is where Labour are heading us towards.

Saying you are going to focus on Maori is just going to drive voters into the welcoming arms of Winston Peters who will run his campaign bashing the hell out of bad Maoris and treatyism.

The economy is going to be a surefire touchstone for the electorate, so that is the right thing to focus on. As inflation bites and the looming fuel crisis hits, people are going to wake up to the lunacy of the fools in the regime and their lack of economic acumen.

There is a fuel crisis coming and it is bearing down on the regime but they are blissfully unaware of just how low our fuel reserves are.

If you wondered why fuel prices are climbing out of reach of hard working Kiwis it is because our fuel stocks are running perilously low. Marsden Point is essentially rationing fuel by ratcheting up the prices.

The Energy Minister should know this; after all, she visited Marsden Point last year and told them to reduce their reserves to just one week. That decision is about to bite her enormous arse. But she’s more interested in ensuring the pie warmer at Bellamy’s remains fully stocked.

As for Covid-19 as a focus…that is done. Over. Finished. Omicron did that. National’s Covid policy seems to be just like Labour’s but more efficient at managing the evil of mandates, MIQ, vaccine passes and lockdowns.

We are actually lucky that Labour are tits at everything they do and couldn’t organise a root in a brothel with a fistful of fifties. National are just saying they’d run it better, but essentially the same.

National’s Covid strategy has a tissue-thin separation from Labour’s and, as we are about to find out, will be just as hopeless as it becomes increasingly apparent that the vaccines have failed, the boosters have failed even more and it’s all been a sick and evil joke played on us all. Worse still is the massive public debt the regime has run up that will leave a legacy far worse than even Muldoon managed.

There will be much pain to come both economically and health wise.

The debt mountain is huge; it makes Winston’s Provincial Growth Fund seem like chump change. The health disaster will unfold over several years, but we are starting to see it as doctors are amazingly perplexed around the world at the large and previously unseen heart issues that are seeing thousands affected.

Luxon may be cock-a-hoop about being in front of Ardern in net positives, but there are an awful lot of really stupid people out there who still think she saved us all. Pandering to Maori ain’t going to endear him to voters.

National should look to their roots. Their founding principles are as relevant today as they were back then. If National differentiate themselves on Covid by embracing freedom of choice, then they can suck the wind out of Seymour’s sails. He has squandered that opportunity by having the same draconian policies as Labour. He’s a windsock on Covid, and it appears that Christopher Luxon is as well.

It seems caucus have learned nothing and are again wading in a sea of wetness. If they keep that up then trench foot will set in.

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