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You Swapped Your Freedoms for Permissions

I was reading a post at David Farrar’s Kiwiblog that wondered how long the mandates he supported were going to last. It seems the penny has finally dropped for him that cheering on a totalitarian Government while they systematically dismantled our democracy and the freedoms that democracy was supposed to defend was an error on his part.

What happens in a few months when the vaccines reduce in effectiveness? Will public servants have to get a third booster shot or lose their jobs? Will cafe workers? Will teachers?

And what if annual booster shots are needed for years to come? Will people have to get an annual booster or have say 80% of jobs in New Zealand made off limits to them? And what will this do to social cohesion?


Authors at this site have been saying this for months. In particular, I have been pointing out the parallels with history and have been met with claims that I was over-reacting, that I was prone to conspiracy theories or being alarmist.

But what you all did in complying with ever-changing mandates, rules and regulations is that you willingly surrendered your freedoms for the illusion of safety. You swapped those freedoms for Government permission to do simple everyday things.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery”. He was right. New Zealanders surrendered their dangerous freedoms for the protection and safety of the peaceful slavery of vaccines and mandates.

To make matters worse the media an important bulwark against Government excess likewise surrendered our freedoms instead of guarding them. They cheered the Government on and are still doing so, victimising and ostracising those who have rightfully questioned mandates, regulations and Government excess.

The Police are also compromised, they are now surveilling people on social media for voicing “anti-government” sentiments and sentiments against Labour party policies and people associated with them.

Our country has fallen and most of you willingly let it happen by complying in the mistaken belief that you could comply your way out of tyranny.

You can’t comply your way out of tyranny.

Even as Jacinda Ardern was lying to world leaders the other day while talking about protecting democracy, she was further dismantling the very democracy she was claiming to be protecting. No politician in the history of  New Zealand has done more harm than she has to our democracy, and that includes the excesses of Robert David Muldoon.

I have no doubt that you will need a booster or your vaccine pass will be cancelled. Many people who are gladly showing their vaccine pass around the place celebrating their “freedom” are well past the seven-month point since having their jabs to be now actually considered unvaccinated despite the meaningless Government papers they cling to like a drowning man clings to a piece of flotsam.

Unfortunately, I see many vaccinated people taking pleasure in the plight of the unvaccinated. “It is their own fault.” “Just get the jab.”

Despite the objections of some commenters here and on social media, I feel correct in saying that was exactly where German society was regarding Jews between 1933 and 1937. That is how it started. “Serves them right”.

What this Government is doing is more than just wrong. It is manifestly evil. Sadly, the corrupted media handmaidens and society, in general, are cheering this Government on.

You surrendered your freedoms, and what you got back were Government approved permissions, and the corrupted media celebrated that like it was freedom.

It is not freedom if you need government permission to do everyday activities.

It is not freedom if you need government permission to leave your town or city or even your home.

It is not freedom when you need government permissions to travel.

It is not freedom if you need medical tests that show a negative result in order to move about.

It is not freedom when you have scan in to every place you go.

It is not freedom when you are forced to undertake a medical treatment in order to keep your job.

It is not freedom when failure to comply results in hefty fines or imprisonment for merely doing that which was once free.

It is not freedom until we are all free.

You gave up your freedoms and swapped them for permissions, and this Government is showing no intention of wanting to give back that which they took.

We are at a critical point, either the Government recognises this and gives us back our rights and freedoms, unfettered by their ridiculous regulation, or they do not.

Then we face really stark and ominous choices. We must either hope we can still vote them out in 2023 at the ballot box, or if that particular freedom is also restricted or gone we must explore other means to remove them from office.

The Government is enforcing mandates throughout the public service but also via contracts private businesses have in contracting services and support to Government organisations. That was why we saw PB Tech impose vaccine mandates at all of their stores. The Government threatened to withdraw their $200m contract from PB Tech unless they imposed the mandates. This is how insidious they are in forcing mandates on everyone.

They have painted themselves into a corner with vaccines. They used their own paint and their own brush, but they have cleverly hoodwinked the majority into thinking that any further failure in their health response will not be because of them, it will be because of the filthy unvaxxed out there who stubbornly refuse to submit to “doing the right thing”.

The same people who extended abortion laws because of a woman’s right to have sovereignty over her own body, now reject the same mantra of “my body, my choice” as being stubborn, wrong-headed, whacky, and holding others to ransom. They have authorised, encouraged and even passed laws to allow for the demonisation, segregation and ostracisation of the unvaxxed.

There are comments all over the media, Facebook and Twitter that if said against Maori would see righteous condemnation from the same people who are uttering them against the unvaxxed. We now have witch hunts and almost pogroms being instigated against the unvaxxed, and all at the behest of an evil Prime Minister who was gleeful at her newfound abilities to denigrate and ostracise.

When has it ever been OK to have two classes of people? New Zealand used to pride itself on its egalitarian nature, where Jack was as good as his master. The Prime Minister loftily exclaimed variously that “They are Us” and that we are a “Team of Five Million”, but has now set New Zealand on a course of divisiveness and evil via segregation and ostracism.

Originally tweeted by Freedom Advocate (@beirutballer) on 8 December, 2021 4:23 am.

By locking up Auckland in a gulag she put unwarranted fear into the rest of the country, pitting them against Aucklanders that has now manifested itself in further ostracism and separatism. News media have haughtily run stories of proposed iwi road blocks in Northland and other regions telling Aucklanders to stay away.

The Prime Minister stands at the podium of truth thanking Aucklanders for doing it tough, as businesses and careers were wrecked by her policies, while at the same time rushing laws through parliament under urgency that allowed civilians of a particular race to now be able to man their own checkpoints.

All this creates further division. The Prime Minister has set the rest of the country against Auckland. She’s set the vaccinated against the unvaxxed, and now she is sowing the seeds of even more division based on race with their iwi road blocks, forced council Maori seats, and the largest confiscation of assets in New Zealand’s history in order to hand control of those assets to members of just one race.

They have seen they can do this because they have seen how meek you’ve all become in ceding over your freedoms so easily and so willingly and swapping those freedoms for government permissions.

Our country has not come together in adversity, it is being rent apart by divisions that were deliberately created by an evil and out of control Government.

Behind the toothy smile and the fake concern frowns and head tilts lies the plotting mind of a willing dictator. She has claimed that she never lies, but that was just the first lie.

Liar, liar pants on fire.

No mandates she said in September 2020, and yet here we are. No New Zealander will suffer after opting out of vaccine she said, and yet here we are.

You have lost control of your country, now what are you going to do to take it back, because take it back we must.

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. How many times do I have to tell you?

If you aren’t free, and you are not, and in order to stay “free” you must submit to mandates, then what you are is a slave. Your master is Jacinda Ardern, and you will do whatever she wants you to do, because you still unwittingly think you still have a choice in the matter. That is the utter brilliance of her strategy and her propaganda, she’s made you think you are free when actually you are shackled to the mandates you demanded.

You are not free, you just think you are because the Government gave you permission, and the media told you you were free.

I’ll leave you just two more thoughts, one from George Orwell when he wrote 1984:

  • Freedom is slavery
  • Ignorance is strength

George Orwell really was a visionary. His novel foretold the dystopian world in which we now live.

The final thing I will leave you with is the immortal words of Freddie Mercury:

I want to break free I want to break free I want to break free from your lies You're so self satisfied I don't need you I've got to break free God knows, God knows I want to break free.

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