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No one gets a free pass in the vaccination blame game. Ultimately vaccination is a personal choice, regardless of who advised, coerced or pressured you about it, one way or the other.

This isn’t the first time a medically endorsed product went horribly wrong and it won’t be the last. One of my family members refused the Pfizer vaccine because of a personal experience with thalidomide.

Now that the triple vaccinated account for more hospitalisations and deaths than the unvaccinated the finger pointing has begun. But assigning blame won’t change any outcomes. It might, however, give politicians and health officials pause for thought.

Jacinda Ardern’s Government went too far when it mandated Covid vaccination and scurrilously recruited the public to enforce the mandates.

There was not a peep of protest from opposition parties; in fact, Dr Shane Reti dismissed reasonable concerns and supported the notion NZ could vaccinate its way out of a pandemic.

The annoying academic trio of the permanently-mask-yourself-stupid Michael Baker, the truculent a-rule-for-the-plebs-but-not-for-me Siouxie Wiles and the positively-earnestly-you-could-all-die Ashley Bloomfield are still trying to terrify us into mask and vaccine compliance.

The medical profession will have to come to terms with the loss of public confidence in them after assuring nursing mothers, pregnant women and children and infants’ caregivers (without any trial evidence) that the vaccine was safe and effective. Then there’s the not insignificant matter of disbarring doctors who broke rank and issued medical exemption certificates.

Family and friends cried foul if you removed yourself from the team of five million and took your chances with a virus that turned out less dangerous than the ’flu or common cold for many.

But ultimately the buck stops with Pfizer, motivated by the mighty dollar. They cunningly skewed trials by removing the blinding from trial groups and then tried to hide the results for 75 years.

Big Pharma isn’t too bothered though. They are already onto their next big earner with experimental anti-virals, like Remdesivir at NZ$4,400 per person, which comes with the possibility of triggering respiratory failure and organ dysfunction. What a great scenario Big Pharma arranged – one drug to make you sick and another to make you better.

And who was responsible for banning Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, used effectively overseas but forbidden here presumably because there is no profit margin?

The media have much to answer for. Shutting down dissenters, they continue to promote masks and boosters despite NZ’s currently high ranking worldwide for Covid infection and death. The vaccinated say “I’d be so much worse if I wasn’t vaccinated and boosted.”

The media are doing such a good job that faith in the Government’s Covid management is still high among the 95% vaccinated, disturbingly disinterested in their non-existent Covid immunity and recurring infections.

A family member commented recently that a vaccine injured family member has been diagnosed with “long Covid”. This was news to me, but clearly soothing to those unfamiliar with the term ‘adverse vaccine events’. Understandingly, the vaccine injured are silent. They’ve suffered more than enough as it is.

Who needs scientific advice when the public is so compliant and indoctrinated by fear that they drool with enthusiasm about mandatory masking and the suggestion of a fourth jab?

This week Guy Hatchard examined two Qatar studies.

Vaccination, including boosters, did not decrease the risk of reinfection but did increase the severity of symptoms. Nor did vaccination provide any more protection against reinfection than the unvaccinated had.”

Guy Harchard two Qatar Studies

Hatchard considers “the current health crisis is not the result of Covid, but it could well be the result of mRNA vaccination”.

Time will tell, but the writing is on the wall for the Ardern Government, health experts, the medical profession and the media. Despite evidence to the contrary they stubbornly refuse to admit any wrongdoing.

A study published recently in the “New England Journal of Medicine” demonstrated that people who are triple-vaccinated (boosted) against COVID recover significantly more slowly from COVID infection and remain contagious for longer than people who are not vaccinated at all.

People who have received a booster shot are five times more likely still to be contagious at ten days post-infection than are unvaccinated people.

7Israel National News

Remember how quickly the world flew into Covid panic mode following predictions of mass deaths worldwide by a British modeller? Remember how we panicked again when we were told everyone had to be vaccinated and masked?

If we learned anything at all from Covid, it is to approach these doomsayers and fix-it-quick merchants with less haste and more open discussion, remembering that individual rights are not there to be thrown on the altar of mass hysteria.
