Marc Morano
Marc Morano manages CFACT’s award-winning news and information service. He is the award-winning producer, writer and host of CFACT’s Climate Hustle feature films. Marc served as a reporter for “Rush Limbaugh the Television Show” and as a senior advisor to Senator James Inhofe.
Morano: “You will go nowhere and be happy. This is happening all over the world. Bloomberg News did an article about how cheap airline travel is basically a thing of the past because of ‘climate compliance’ laws. So this is happening globally. We haven’t banned flights yet in the United States, but we can certainly see airline prices going up. Flying is going to be a venue only for the rich. Private jets are not going to face these restrictions. …
In this Net Zero world which we have signed onto, the United States is fully participating — we have 15-minute cities being experimented in Europe. It’s kind of like the old East Germany, if you leave your sector, you have to pay your fine and can only leave 95 times a year if you leave your little 15-minute area.
You have activists, those people you see defacing art, blocking traffic, they’re calling for a national ‘climate emergency’. Guess what happens in a national ‘climate emergency’? These activists claim you can only fly when it’s ‘morally justifiable’. So if you want to go to Florida for a beach trip, that is not happening, but if you have to go for a funeral, maybe. …
The Biden Administration is intentionally creating car shortages by mandating electric cars. We’re going to face a situation where they’re trying to force us into mass transit by raising the cost of cars. There’s no way they can meet the utopian vision, but they can restrict our movement.”
By: Marc Morano – Climate Depot June 2, 2023 10:34 AM
Fox News Channel – Fox News Tonight – w/ Joey Jones – Broadcast June 1, 2023

Marc Morano Appears on ‘Fox News Tonight’ To Discuss France Banning Short Flights
Joey Jones: Thank you. All right, climate extremists are determined to ban everything from cars, cows and gas stoves to save the planet. Now, France has just banned short-haul domestic flights but the ban is only for commercial airlines, the ultra-wealthy can continue to take short flights on their private jets. Marc Morano is the publisher of He joins us now. Thanks for joining us break this down for us, so we understand, did France do anything of value here?
Marc Morano: Well, what France is doing is leading the way for the climate Net Zero agenda. We already have Germany, Austria, Spain; these are all countries that are following suit. Greenpeace is calling for an EU-wide ban for flights up to six hours in length. This is the new reality of Net Zero as it’s actually being implemented.
You will go nowhere and be happy. This is happening all over the world. Bloomberg News did an article about how cheap airline travel is basically a thing of the past because of, ‘climate compliance’ laws. So this is happening globally. We haven’t banned flights yet in the United States, but we can certainly see airline prices going up. Flying is going to be a venue only for the rich. Private jets are not going to face these restrictions.
Joey Jones: Maybe that’s what it is, maybe the rich want more air space so they can take off and land whenever and whenever they want to don’t have to worry about peasants in the business class or on commercial jets. But more seriously here, you know, the left would tell us, and this is usually a priority of the left that healthcare is a human right, pretty much identity is a human right. Isn’t moving your body from one place to another, isn’t that kind of a human right?
Marc Morano: It absolutely is. America, we’re founded order that freedom. ‘Go west, young man’. And here’s the bottom line, in this Net Zero world which we have signed onto, the United States is fully participating – we have 15-minute cities being experimented in Europe. It’s kind of like the old East Germany, if you leave your sector you have to pay your fine and can only leave 95 times a year if you leave your little 15-minute area.
You have activists, those people you see defacing art, blocking traffic, they’re calling for a national climate emergency. Guess what happens in a national climate emergency? These activists claim you can only fly when it’s ‘morally justifiable’. So if you want to go to Florida for a beach trip, that is not happening, but if you have to go for a funeral, maybe.
Joey Jones: France is 68 per cent nuclear. They are, to my understanding, the cleanest energy in the developed world. Is this more just rhetoric and left-wing signaling than what they really should be doing?
Marc Morano: Yes, even advocates admit it’s not going to actually affect CO2 emissions by banning these short-haul flights. You’re right, they did something sensible with nuclear energy, but France is just following this whole Net Zero agenda. By the way, we’re following it when it comes to cars. The Biden Administration is intentionally creating car shortages by mandating electric cars. We’re going to face a situation where they’re trying to force us into mass transit by raising the cost of cars. There’s no way they can meet the utopian vision, but they can restrict our movement.
Joey Jones: There are a lot of remote places in this country that would really be hurt by something like this so let’s hope that common sense takes hold. Marc Morano, thanks for joining us.
Marc Morano: Thank you Joey.
The Great Car Reset has arrived: Our transportation system is being intentionally collapsed; (and our freedom of movement is being stripped away) EVs to be forced upon YOU without a vote!
Marc Morano: “This is the planned rationing of vehicles. The planned rationing of American cars. That’s the only way this plan makes sense … the only result is going to be shortages of cars and a completely altered used car market. You can look to Cuba to find out what it’s like to have a raging used car market because that’s what we’re looking at here. And you can look to old East Germany. East Germany had their famed Trabant car, where people would have to get on waiting lists for years to get one and that’s what we’re faced with here when the government is going to mandate you can only buy a new electric car. … An Australian bank is announcing it’s not going to give financing for loans to anyone buying a gas-powered car. The World Bank has now announced it wants to set a timetable to stop the funding for – even at the automaker level for gas-powered cars. The powers that be, the corporate world, the bankers, the governments, academia – they’ve decided that gas-powered cars are over and they’re putting all the forces into play to end it without our say in it.
And if you somehow avoid the gas car bans, they will make obtaining gas for it a nightmare! See: Gas Station Bans Next on Climate Agenda: Colorado city BANS new gas stations due to ‘obligation’ to tackle ‘climate change’ – Follows California cities) and all the while, China is laughing at us. See: (Net Zero’s Global Winner is — China! ‘US hasn’t noticed yet that China-Made cars are taking over the world’ – Poised to become No 2 exporter of cars, surpassing US & S Korea)
Fox News Channel – Fox News Tonight – Broadcast April 24, 2023

“First, they came for your energy. Then they came for your gas-powered cars, your freedom of movement, your cheap flights. Now they’re coming for your food,” Morano, author of “The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown,” said on “Fox News Tonight.” “They will be monitoring what you eat. What’s coming next are the restrictions,” Morano said. “We are already seeing it globally with a net-zero commitment. They’re going after high-yield agriculture trying to collapse them. We saw the disaster in Sri Lanka. You also have Bill Gates… America’s number one single farmland owner and his goal is to get us to eat his billions of dollars invested in fake meat or his lab-grown synthetic beef made from the stem cells of animals and literally put it in a steel vat and printed on a 3D printer. Not making that up. The fix is in.
“This will only happen if we allow it. They’re going after our modern diet. You will eat nothing and be happy according to this plan,” he added.
They’re always looking for reasons why the rest of us can’t be free. Now they’re going after rice production. There’s a big story in major media about rice causing all this global warming and emissions. But going after the meat is a way to make everything a problem in a climate emergency. Therefore, they have to be in charge of all this food. They’re not going to try to ban it. They will take over the means of production so the rest of us don’t destroy the Earth. We have to be managed. That’s what we’re looking at.”