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You Will Watch Your Daughter Be Smashed in Sport and Love It

Women’s sport has become the battleground for Trans activists. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

So, where are we at on the slippery slope into Trans World, today? We’ve gone long past “Use our pronouns or else!”, and “Allow minors to dance for us in drag”, and beyond even “Let teachers choose your kid’s gender”. Today, we’re skidding merrily into the “Re-Education Camps” phase.

If you’re a mum or dad fed up with seeing your little girl smashed on the field by hulking boys, or discomfited at the idea of them sharing a locker room with a boy with his penis swinging proudly, then it’s off to the Tranny Gulag for you, bigot!

Angry parents fed-up with a trans woman’s domination of a female soccer league will be offered training to help them better understand trans issues.

Football Australia announced its ‘High Performance Inclusion Policy’ after Daily Mail Australia revealed parents were campaigning for the New South Wales competition to ban transgender women from female soccer teams.

Parents and female athletes are waking up, getting angry, and aren’t taking it any more.

A trans woman, who Daily Mail Australia has chosen not to identify, has led Football NSW’s League One Women’s 1st Grade goal kickers table, with seven goals.

But it is allegations the trans athletes injured females from an opposing side in a match two weekends ago that has caused the ire of some fed-up parents and players.

Instead of backing down, though, the gormless creeps running the game are doubling down. When it comes down to women’s rights, sorry, girls, you lose to the man in the dress.

On Friday, Football Australia put out a media release announcing its plans to make soccer ‘the most multicultural, diverse, and inclusive sport in Australia’.

Or, as those of us not deranged by tranny lunacy would call it: Re-Education.

The policy will see Football Australia deliver LGBTQI+ training and support resources to the football community through its partnership with Pride in Sport.

In other words, a bunch of Queer Theory groomers will swoop in and brow-beat any dissenting parents or sporting girls.

‘The aim of this training will be to provide the Australian Football community with a greater understanding of the lived experience of LGBTQI+ communities and their participation in sport,’ the statement read.

The “lived experience” of women and girls and their participation in sport doesn’t count for anything when it comes to weaponising the creepy, autogynephile fetishes of a bunch of second-rate male losers.

But angry parents and female athletes aren’t backing down so easily.

A Facebook page dedicated to discussing the NPL league blew-up about the issue last week and continues to be bombarded with posts slamming the league’s decision.

‘Absolute effing joke,’ one person posted under a link to Football Australia’s policy announcement.

‘It goes like this: if you support men playing in women’s sports – you don’t respect the sanctity of women’s sports. You also have a shallow understanding of women, and a complete lack of respect for their effort to be there,’ another read.

And, as always with “diversity and inclusion”, no diversity of opinion is allowed, and girls aren’t included.

Daily Mail Australia has been told Football NSW, which governs the sport, has refused to address concerns surrounding the inclusion of trans women on female sides.

Because they know they can’t defend their ludicrous tranny garbage in open debate.

Kirralie Smith, a spokeswoman for Binary Australia, said she had spent months trying to speak with officials at the sporting body about its policy on the subject.

Ms Smith claimed on Friday that her supporters sent thousands of emails to Football NSW, and ‘no one has had any reasonable response despite all of the emails, warnings of injuries and how unfair it is.’

‘Football NSW has failed to answer the simple questions, ‘What is a woman?’ and ‘Why have a woman’s division if men can play in it?’.

Daily Mail

Maybe they could try asking Chris Hipkins?
