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You’d Think a Billion Dollars Would Buy a National Broadcaster with SOME Ethics

“Balance”, ABC style.

If you’re ever in doubt that Australian taxpayers are being dudded for the billion-plus dollars they flush down the gullet of the ABC every year, you only need watch QandA. The weekly leftist shout-a-thon is the quintessence of the ABC’s taxpayer-funded echo chamber.

But, with last week’s episode, the ABC managed to outdo itself. Coming from the network which once hosted a sympathetic panel of “pederasts” and fell over itself to falsely claim that Australian Navy personnel had “tortured” boat people, that takes some doing. Mind you, QandA has also previously “distinguished” itself by trucking in a Muslim terrorism sympathiser convicted of threats to kill, and with a track record of advocating the rape of female journalists.

The Q&A episode was just another low-IQ festival of wokeness, where perpetually teenage minds rail against society, tilting at the very establishment and taxpayers who fund them […]They jumped on Alan Jones because he suggested someone should stick a sock in it but they are happy to broadcast calls for killing and burning.
The ABC has pulled a Q&A episode from all its platforms and investigating whether it breached editorial standards by allowing panellists to apparently advocate violence, arson and extrajudicial killings […] Indigenous screenwriter Nayuka Gorrie told the show violence was “okay” in the context of the oppression of Aboriginal people and declared she looked forward to people “burning stuff”.

[…] Senator [Eric] Abetz welcomed the investigation but said it underlined a “cultural problem with the ABC”. “The average Australian would be horrified at the suggestion that violence might be an appropriate course of action in relation to political matters, yet not one of the chosen panel were of that (anti-violence) view,” he said. “How do they choose such a panel?”

It’s the ABC: They just ask around their friends and regular guests.

But the big problem is that Australian taxpayers are forced to fund this bilge. The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, for one, has had enough.

The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today condemned the ABC’s probe […] “The idea that a broadcaster needs a review to determine whether inciting violence and claiming an entire race in Australia has no morality breaches editorial standards would be laughable if it wasn’t so disrespectful,” said ATA Communications Manager, Emilie Dye.

Media mogul Kerry Packer had no such qualms. He knew rubbish when he saw it, and didn’t hesitate to act. Most famously, he yanked Australia’s Naughtiest Home Videos from the air, mid-broadcast. Confronted by the spectacle of a program dedicated to videos of dogs and people in public parks rooting (thankfully, at least, not each other), Packer leaped on to the phone, shouting, “Get that shit off the air!”

The ABC, however, is a law unto itself.

“It simply doesn’t pass the pub test. The host, the producers, and ABC’s editorial board needed to act immediately and decisively shut down an inappropriate violent attack on Australians based on race and gender. By suggesting that it’s unclear and requiring a taxpayer-funded probe, ABC is ducking responsibility.

“For an organisation dependent on $1 billion of taxpayer money every year to survive, the fact that they are unsure if giving racially based hatred a national platform breaches editorial standards is alarming.

“The ABC must do better, it must be better, or else it must relinquish its claim on the wallets of Australian taxpayers who don’t deserve to have such vile comments broadcast into their living rooms at their own expense.”
