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a statue of a woman holding a cross
Photo by Marek Studzinski

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Although hard to choose any one particular dastardly consequence, an especially awful feature of the COVID jab cull-in-motion is the lot of parents finding their child has died in their sleep. Sudden death is a dreadful and cruel club to belong to, of family and friends of younger people, full of promise, potential, and the RIGHT TO LIFE, who suddenly, shatteringly (and yes, of course, we would hope, peacefully) just… die.

It is tempting to vault the horror of causation and seek comfort with  “Aww, at least they wouldn’t have known anything. What a peaceful way to go.”  NZDSOS members and our supporters cannot do this and will continue to ask vital anti-vaxer questions and investigate the causes and consequences of the COVID-19 management debacle.

The reason for this sudden death epidemic is, to our minds, simple and straightforward. These unfortunates have a cardiac arrest due to asymptomatic (hidden) post-jab heart muscle inflammation, at a time when their hearts are particularly exposed to the highest circulating adrenaline hormone during sleep: in the REM (dream) sleep phases, which are more crowded together and electrically vigorous in the several hours before normal waking, especially in the young.

Heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing are all elevated under the influence of raised adrenaline, along with a suite of other hormones as part of the ‘dawn effect’, to prepare the body for alertness, activity, stable blood sugar until the overnight fast can be broken, and the general aeons-old business of survival.

Like most physiological processes in the young, these reflexes are at their most vigorous, exact and clockwork, before the ravages of time and environment have taken their toll. But adrenaline can be a very double-edged sword. It is there to ensure survival, ensuring strong rapid heart contractions amongst other effects. However, peak physiological (i.e. normal) amounts can trigger fatal electrical activity in heart cells already damaged by immune system attack and oxygen deprivation (which usually go hand in hand).

This hormonal environment is the same reason for the astonishing rise in sudden deaths during sports. Peak competitive adrenaline and thunderous electrically-driven cardiac activity collide, in hearts that were already silently damaged, by modified RNA-induced myocarditis. Sometimes, a subsequent silent scar can trigger an electrical short circuit, stopping the heart, at any time. Top cardiologists Dr Aseem Malhotra and Dr Peter McCullough explain it well in this informative but tragic montage.

Although catecholamine-associated (adrenaline and similar hormones) myocarditis has a typical post mortem appearance on histology slides there are other flavours of myocarditis under the microscope, depending which of various possible mechanisms the mRNA jabs have activated, corrupted or blocked. Rare until recently, autoimmune myocarditis with lymphocytes everywhere is what pathologists expect to see – if a proper PM takes place – but research back in 2021 showed also that the spike protein from the jab disables mitochondria (the engines of the cell)  and damages  the pericytes that support the heart’s very extensive blood vessels.

More confusing (or convenient) still for coroners, there may be nothing to see under the microscope at all if the pathologist samples tissue in the wrong place or not widely enough.

Further, there appears to be no staining for the presence of jab spike protein in NZ which, when stained for, can be seen in heart, vascular and other tissues. Its presence here proves the jab does not stay in the arm and means there is a reason for immune activation and inflammation in the affected tissues. In 2022 scientists were falling over themselves to show how the spike protein from the Wuhan virus damaged the heart, but called therefore for more vaccination, completely missing the irony – and the understanding – that the jabs make the body produce the same spike protein, in much greater amounts, and from all over the body! Here’s one author of an important paper:

“Our data show that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 causes heart muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated and prevent this disease.”

“We found direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is toxic to heart muscle cells,” Lin said.

Besides directly damaging the heart muscle cells, the spike protein itself is very inflammatory and may cause systemic inflammation that indirectly causes heart problems.”

OK, so let’s stick it in a jab and send it directly to the heart. What could go wrong?

Experts in Armchairs and Hospital Beds

Sometimes it seems half the world knows about myocarditis. If not, it will need to. Nakahara et al showed every vaccinated patient they examined had abnormal heart MRI scans, implying damage. We know clinical (symptomatic) myocarditis is commonest in teen boys after the 2nd jab because even more spike protein is churned out of the body’s vaccine transfected cells, into hearts with rapid growth in muscle bulk driven by surging testosterone, and peak ability to drive itself really hard (called VO2 max, for those in the know).

We know myocarditis can be silent, can commence months after the jab (although initial peak is early in the first week), and sufferers can still be showing active disease 12 months later. The long-term complications of heart failure and sudden death are very significant.

And why does the heart seem to be an organ of choice for vaccine damage? Because the heart muscle never stops, ideally, it has a huge blood supply and the first place blood is ejected to, even before it leaves the heart, is its own coronary arteries. So, suppose a vaccinator injects (unknowingly)  directly into an arm muscle vein – since covid vaccinators were taught, bizarrely, to stop a century-old practice of precautionary syringe aspiration before injecting the liquid to avoid this possibility – the entire dose could reach the heart’s left ventricle within seconds and be shot-gunned into heart muscle. And what organ is next to receive blood from the heart’s left ventricle?

The brain…

…which is around 3% of our body weight, but needs 30% of each heart beat, so rich is the brain in blood vessels to do all the awesome stuff it does. And direct harm to the brain from the genetic injections is an entire other story….  Except that the brain and its nerves do control heart activity, breathing, blood pressure etc. And some young people’s sudden deaths are due to strokes and brain bleeds, which could be precipitated by the exact same vascular consequences of hyper-arousal during sleep, inflammation etc as discussed above.

So, what ‘normal deaths’ do we expect?

In their careers, some of our NZDSOS members have indeed attended the homes of, or received into ED, patients who pass in their sleep. These are generally older and worn-out bodies, with known pathologies that played out finally in the kindest way. But, sudden death in an 8, 13, 17, or 25-year-old is extremely rare and may never be professionally experienced by most doctors. So trust us. Like the bizarre clots being found in living and dead vaccinated people (now including a 12-year-old girl in the UK), these younger people ‘waking up dead’ is not normal in any way, nor to be dismissed as a statistical blip.

Yes, we know people die. For NZ, 83 deaths per day was the average pre covid jab. Probably a few extra jab deaths per day wouldn’t seem obvious,  but now all cause deaths are running hot at 90 to 100 average ever since. To borrow from novelist Joseph Heller, Something Happened.

We hope the following grim roll call of some mostly young sudden deaths – many of these during sleep but some during sport – can act as provocative stimulus to action, investigation, remembrance, warning, and a potential victim and compensation list, all in one.  BUT MANY other healthy people, young and older, have dropped dead, literally, at home, out and about or in the workplace, of heart attacks, brain clots and bleeds too, ever since March 2021.

We comment again on the recent changes to the NZ Coroner’s Act which enabled coroners to use ‘presumed natural causes’ as the cause of death and not investigate, as well as removed the obligation to consider the circumstances (in particular the rollout of a mass gene technology programme).  Some sudden deaths will be put down to presumed natural causes and coroners and pathologists usually will not even mention the fact of (recent or remote) covid vaccination in their reports.

As always, we don’t know everyone’s vaccine history and are acutely aware of distressing loved ones further… but come on! Join us to demand that someone says “OK. It does seem like there’s a problem, a possible cause with biological plausibility.  Let’s take a proper look”. If not, people WILL take their family’s safety into their own hands at some point.

“To sleep, perchance to dream”…. Some of New Zealand’s Sudden Deaths

Joshua Jonassen 11
Melody Southon 18
Sara Hepple 14
Zachary Lerner 20
Sanjana Pillay-Bennett 39
Samin Lee 16
Huare Moake 65
Tipuna Jones 36
Celia Gatt 13 (running)
Philip Batey 52
Maria Hema (waka paddling)
Chris Sinclair (surfing)
Cat Pause 42
Tim Spear 64
Reg Hunter 67
Darren McKay 45 (personal trainer in sleep)
Kelly Hodges 32 (found sat upright in bed)
Hanna Bass 25

Max Charles 13
Regan Bennett 20
Bryant McKenzie 20
James Armstrong 31
Airini Hansen 43
Pahul Bedi ~13
Garrett Utting 30
Mark Beenan 58 (diving)
Serena Nichols 73
Michael George 20
Mike Salase 39 (rugby)
Amanda Snees 42
Bruce Keighley 54 (cycling)
Stuart Corrie 55
Felix Helriegell (rugby)
Andre Schiker-Francis 25 (body builder in sleep)
Nick Hobson 41 (Cook Strait swim)

Caitlyn Baker 17
Max Aitken 23
Andrew Smith 40s
Gareth Smith 61
Stanley Neho 59
Nikora Tuhi 32
Max Blackett 52
Dan Fraser 47 (surfing)
Lee Moses 29 (soccer)
Sarah Barnes 41
Jane Thomsen 57
Peter Murphy 59 (mountain biking)
Bruce Lamb (hunting)
Celia Gatt 12 (running)
Jane McGhee 60
Jonno Stroud 40
Rouru Kapoa Jr (basketball with son)
Amanda Jorden 51
