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Young Labour Camp Groper Discharged Without CONVICTION

Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

I think we are going to have to add to The BFD Left-wingese dictionary, as the Young Labour Camp sex pest has been discharged without conviction. Just drunken antics…nothing dodgy to see here folks.

Young Labour Summer Camp photo 2018
  • Sexual assault: Just Drunken antics
  • Tax: Love
  • Policy making: Outsourcing to working groups
  • Social justice bully: Social justice warrior
  • Anyone who isn’t a leftie: Alt-right
  • Anyone who has mainstream conservative views: (Extreme) far-right-wing
  • Procrastination: Working group/ party
  • Aim (with zero thought to how it will be achieved): Plan
  • Words to ease a current emergency or garner votes : Promises
  • Abortion: Women’s Health; also see Healthcare
  • Male prisoners: Men in care
  • Benefits: Entitlements
  • Gang members: Men in their twenties
  • Failed to meet targets: Readjustment
  • Completely Failed: Reset
  • Maori prison population: Institutionalised Racism; also see Colonialism
  • Virtue signalling brown women: Women of colour
  • Screws: Carers
  • Male Maori: Male with olive skin
  • While we were doing nothing in opposition: 9 years of neglect
  • Illegal Migrants: Honorary Citizens
  • Taxes: Levies
  • Tax take: Public money; also see Free stuff
