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Your Daily Ten@10

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You

This is edition 2024/134 of the Ten@10 newsletter.

Welcome to the Ten@10, where I collate and summarise ten news items you generally won't see in the mainstream media.

This is normally for members in the VIP tier (old Silver and above), but for the next few days I will be sending it to all paid members.

I hope you continue to enjoy this weekday newsletter and if you aren't currently on the VIP plan please consider upgrading.


1. Shoring up the facts

Liam Hehir

  • 📰 The recent Hobson’s Pledge advertisement in the New Zealand Herald sparked controversy over claims about customary marine titles and public beach access.
  • 🗣️ Critics, mostly left-leaning lawyers and organizations, denounced the ad as misleading and potentially racist against Māori.
  • 🛡️ Hobson’s Pledge defended its ad, challenging critics to substantiate their claims of misinformation.
  • 🏞️ The ad advocated for the "restoration" of public ownership of the foreshore, referencing past legislative frameworks.
  • 🌊 Customary marine titles grant significant rights but do not confer full ownership of the foreshore, contrary to some implications.
  • 🚫 Public access to beaches under customary marine titles may face restrictions, particularly around wāhi tapu areas.
  • ⚖️ Establishing wāhi tapu status involves legal criteria and is not easily declared, despite assertions in the advertisement.
  • 🔍 Critics and supporters alike oversimplify and exaggerate issues, contributing to polarized public discourse.

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Peters stood up with a point of order at this point, suggesting it was “not acceptable” for MPs to accuse others of being “liars”.

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