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Your Daily Ten@10

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You

This is edition 2024/118 of the Ten@10 newsletter.

Welcome to the Ten@10, where I collate and summarise ten news items you generally won't see in the mainstream media.

This is normally for members in the VIP tier (old Silver and above), but for the next few days I will be sending it to all paid members.

I hope you continue to enjoy this weekday newsletter and if you aren't currently on the VIP plan please consider upgrading.


1. World's Media Report Horrific Headlines about NZ

Rob MacCulloch

  • 🌍 The Royal Commission's report on abuse in NZ from 1950-2019 is shocking.
  • 😱 World media and the NZ PM reacted with horror to findings of widespread abuse.
  • 📰 Headlines claim 200,000 people were abused, but this figure is disputed.
  • 📉 Estimates by Martin Jenkins range widely, from 36,000 to 256,000.
  • 🤔 Challenges in estimating abuse numbers include under-reporting and methodological issues.
  • 📊 Different approaches like 'top down' and 'bottom up' yield vastly different results.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Independent review highlights errors and uncertainties in the data.
  • ⚖️ The true extent of abuse may never be precisely known, despite headline figures.

This post is for subscribers only


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