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Your Expensive Lockdown Has Failed

There can be no doubt now that the Prime Minister’s incredibly wasteful and expensive lockdown of Auckland has failed. Even Blind Freddy knew it was never going to work. But it seems the Prime Minister gets her advice from children’s stories and believes she is The Little Engine That Could.

She thinks if she says, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can,” over and over and over again then she will do what no other country in the world has done: that is beat a virus.

It really is that childish. Unlike The Little Engine That Could, she can’t.

Now she is going full retard and describing the virus as “hunting down the un-vaccinated”. She is echoing the divisive rhetoric from the US and the UK. She is turning people against each other and it is all based on the lie that you are protected from the really ‘tricky’ virus if you are jabbed with an experimental therapy. But to resort to trying to create the imagery of a predator sneaking around suburbs “hunting down” the unvaccinated is pathetic and churlish.

A virus cannot hunt down anyone much less the unvaccinated. You see, the Prime Minister has failed to grasp that the virus has no legs, and so must piggyback off a person. She has failed to grasp that a virus has no eyes, nor ears, both essential to being able to hunt. It requires a person to carry it, a person to spread it. It does not hunt.

Worse still for her retarded analogy, the virus can and is able to be carried and spread by a fully “vaccinated” person. So, if her analogy is to be believed then it is the vaccinated who are hunting down the unvaccinated.

In any case, all she is doing is trying to ramp up the fear factor. History will not treat her well when the predicted consequences of mass inoculation of an experimental therapy start coming home in about 6 months’ time. Exactly what is presenting itself in hospitals all around the world with people who are developing ‘puzzling’ health issues that manifest themselves about six months after they were vaccinated.

Remember years ago when we watched Fear Factor at 7 pm to watch fools eat worms, maggots, scorpions and snails and wrestle in tight-fitting clothes with ferrets or rats? Well, now we have Fear Factor beamed into your lounge daily at 1 pm, except it’s the maggots, worms and scorpions that are watching us squirm under their draconian rules and regulations.

Ardern has also ramped up her divisive talk. She’s blaming Aucklanders and other freedom lovers who are baulking at continued lockdowns. Lockdowns that are wrecking the economy, destroying mental heath and well-being, wasting businesses, and all for nothing. They cost an estimated $1 billion per week to keep a third of the population under house arrest.

Imagine if 18 months ago, the same time it took to build the Pentagon under wartime conditions, Ardern had allocated a billion dollars and immediately constructed a central dedicated ICU hospital in Auckland. We’d have the ability then to cope with a surge and, moreover, we’d have a permanent new hospital to boot.

Imagine if she’d spent another billion recruiting and retaining medical staff to man that hospital.

She didn’t though. Instead, she kept us all locked up and locked down, wasted billions on subsidies and fluff, kept Kiwis out but let in The Wiggles and Rugby and Cricket Teams…all the behaviour that Roman Emperors used to use to control the masses with bread and circuses.

Now we have the bizarre situation of New Zealanders forced to deal with internal borders, carrying and showing papers on demand and being forced to undergo invasive and fraudulent PCR tests at 45 cycles that worldwide have been shown to have a 90% error rate in producing false positives. All so they can go to their holiday home out of Auckland.

On top of that they’ve banned antibody and saliva testing. They have prevented the prescribing of cheap, off-patent therapeutics like ivermectin.

It might have escaped the attention of our dozy Prime Minister as she sits in splendid isolation in Wellington, that Auckland has had enough. We’ve already had a week at level 2; if she continues level 3 we will simply move to level 1 regardless of what she announces from the Lectern of Lies. We have simply had enough and, as has been shown around the world, lockdowns don’t work anyway.

The anger in Auckland is palpable. Sure there are still the quivering nervous Nellies, and of course the ubiquitous Karens, but the majority of us are just getting on with it. Quite why we need 1pm announcements every day is beyond me. The little speeches from the Lectern of Lies are now grating. The polls are showing the previous levels of support for ‘Jackboot Jacinda’ are dwindling. At some point, she’s going to have to admit defeat.

Sadly, I believe she will channel Neve’s storybook and announce yet again that she thinks she can defeat this virus. She will tell us that every morning she gets up and looks in the mirror and chants “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.”

She’ll keep us locked down until all the rest of us tell her “No, you can’t”.

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