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Your Vax Status Is Not Private

The BFD. Andrew Little Minister of Health.

The official propaganda arm of the government encourages the double vaxxed to brag about their fully vaxxed status on social media and demand everyone within shouting distance also be jabbed. Naturally, your vax status is everybody else’s business.

Service providers may demand your vax status before visiting your home, hairdressers and beauticians may refuse the unvaxxed their services and your vax status may even exclude you from social gatherings. It seems that everyone from the government down considers that your vax status is publicly available information to be openly discussed.

The Minister of Health, Andrew Little, on Newshub Nation last weekend spoke about the risk of unvaccinated caregivers working in the homes of the elderly and vulnerable.

“Well I know that as of yesterday roughly 95% of healthcare workers were either fully vaccinated or had had their first dose, I am confident that by Monday that will have increased even further still.

I know that in the home care sector the number is lower and there is some concern being expressed there.

“There has been some, as there is allowed to be under the current order, applications for a sort of a grace period, that is being considered.

But actually, this is about the safety of patients and about the safety of others in the community and we… you know, are like those patients who are in care, particularly home care folks, are saying I want to make sure the person who is looking after them is not going to put me at risk. That is what this is about.

I wonder how comfortable Andrew Little would feel if asked in public, “Have you been treated for HIV?

Little justifies making private information about healthcare workers public because vaccination indicates Covid safety. He considers, as does the bulk of the public, that the vaccinated are less threat to vulnerable elderly than the unvaccinated but, of course, this is not true outside of six months after the second jab. The vaccinated can carry and spread the virus the same way as the unvaccinated do.

Doubtless, home healthcare service providers will be grilled by the families of the people they care for who also believe vaxxed workers are essential to keep their elderly safe and therefore that their vaccination status is everybody’s business.

Little happily disregards health confidentiality but then hides behind patient confidentiality to protect him from answering a tricky question about whether the government dropped the ball and three people may have died as a result!

“Why did three people die in home isolation?” Simon Shepherd asked Little.

“I can’t talk about individual cases, for one thing there is no consent for the health authority to disclose patient information, except that we needed to make sure that at the most crucial stage which is that next call after a positive test is returned that the conversation with that person goes through all their clinical needs, their psycho-social needs, their living circumstances that they are in, because it’s not just about keeping them safe, it’s their family and whanau and others around them are kept safe as well.”

Little doesn’t answer a possibly incriminating question; he hides behind patient confidentiality!

“It’s hard for authorities and people like myself to go into details of individual patient cases because there’s patient confidentiality and interests of consent. Each if those cases will be investigated.”

The public are extremely interested in the treatment and support of Covid patients.

How are they supported when sent home to self isolate and how are they treated if admitted to hospital? To date we have heard very little from the government on either subject.

Were the three who died given their promised pulse oximeter and did they or their family know how to use them? Shepherd says their families claim not to have seen an oximeter, and the government has refused to say if they were supplied in these instances.

Shepherd tries again “Did these people have the equipment that they’re supposed to have?

“I am sure that the officials and health authorities have been asked those questions, they are very sensitive to the needs of patient confidentiality. We all know that each of those deaths will be properly investigated, there will have to be a publicising of the conclusions of those investigations. We need to know what’s going on.”

Newshub Nation Saturday 13 November

Little says there is no guarantee people won’t die at home because this is a “very vicious virus that does kill”. Yawn, the scaremongering is very old hat, please just give us the facts.

Why does Andrew Little consider that our vaccine status is everyone else’s business, but the care and treatment of people who are sick, and who died, from Covid-19 is no one’s business at all?

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