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Kris Faafoi appears to be in a spot of bother after one of his luvvie muso mates chucked him under the bus to Newshub:

Unfulfilled  promises made by Kris Faafoi to longtime mate Jason Kerrison have put  not only their friendship on the line but the Broadcasting Minister’s  job too.

Text messages obtained by Newshub show Faafoi appears to have  breached cabinet rules by offering to help Kerrison with his family’s  declined immigration case.

An offer to “speed things up” was among reassurances made by the  former Associate Immigration Minister to Kerrison who spoke to Newshub  in October about his step-father’s partnership visa application being  declined.

Messages Faafoi sent to the singer of Kiwi band Opshop ask for  details of the case before he says he has a plan and promises to talk to  the right people.

In one communication on Facebook, Kerrison sent a direct message to  Faafoi drawing his attention to a post with Newshub’s article.

Faafoi replied: “Hey bro – I will make a call on Monday. I know it is  genuine as I know you travelled for the wedding a few years back. I  will talk to the people that can speed things up.”  

Kerrison’s mother, Jude Kerrrison, and Mich Obadiah met online in  2009. She’s visited him in Kenya eight times and they were married in an  intimate ceremony more than two years ago.

But Immigration NZ questioned the legitimacy and credibility of their relationship.  

“”I understand his personal situation to be genuine and I think he  did have a case which is why I offered to speak to his local MP,” Faafoi  told Newshub.

Facebook messages between Faafoi and Kerrison show them discussing  the immigration case but he denies offering to do an immigration favour  for a friend.

But Faafoi asked Kerrsison to “Yes – can you please send me surname  and immagration nz file number” – which Kerrison did before the  conversation moved to texts.  

Faafoi and Kerrison also discussed the case in a facebook phone call.

When Kerrison thanks him, Faafoi replies “Whanau whanau brother”.  

In November the conversation moves to text.

Faafoi assures Kerrison “Im on it bri… o (BRO)”

But then things go cold.

Kerrison asks “Hi bro how’re we doing”… “Where are we at” and repeats back to Faafoi “Whanau whanau mate”.

It’s after that on November 15 that Faafoi assures Kerrison “Bro, its moving. I can’t put anything in writing”.

Faafoi told Newshub on Thursday: “I think he’s been trying to contact  me but I haven’t been responding because it wouldn’t be appropriate.”

Maurice Williamson was sacked for trying to find out about a police investigation and Faafoi appears to have done much more than that.

What is it with these luvvies and their private messaging to ministers? Remember the fuss over John Key texting Cameron Slater? Labour made much of that…rather loudly.

At least we all know that we can now OIA Minister’s text messages, Facebook messages, Whatsapp messages and Twitter Direct Messaging. They should provide very interesting reading.

Faafoi though has really been chucked under the bus by his so-called mate.

Kerrison, like many in the media and music industry, probably rates himself and has a sense of entitlement. What a dirty serve he has given Faafoi. He must be really angry to chuck his mate under the bus. So much for Whanau bro. One thing is nagging away at me though, I wonder if Jacinda received any messages from Kerrison?
