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Youth Hate Speech Strikes Again



Ah, the left. There is one hypocrisy of the left in general that is particularly galling. The hate speech hypocrisy. They oppose racism but denigrate one bunch of people by skin colour. They oppose discrimination but discriminate against one group of people by age. They oppose sexism but discriminate against one sex. They can do it all in one sentence, which shows how skillful they are at bias and hypocrisy, and it can be summed up in their favourite cliché; pale, stale and male. Somehow it is acceptable to be biased against white men, even de rigueur among the pseudo moralistic robots of socialist wokedom out to impress their empty friends and colleagues. Second on their list for denigration is the dreaded Baby Boom generation who made the world these entitled, vain twerps enjoy.

This brings me to Benee. For those who know nothing about the world of purveyors of pop music for young teenage girls whose musical taste is still developing, she is a ‘new sensation’. You know, as the once formerly famous Justin Bieber was a few years back as he cooed lyrical fluff that got teenage girls all hot under the collar but who after growing up is now as musically relevant as a horse and cart on a drag strip.

“In the last year, Benee has taken the world – or at least TikTok – by storm with her viral hit singles ‘Glitter’ and ‘Supalonely’.”

But wait, there is more…

“This time last year, Benee won not one, not two, but four New Zealand Music Awards, named the nation’s best breakthrough artist, best pop artist and best solo artist (as well as singer of the single of the year) on the strength of just an EP”.

Now, this is all good stuff. Drippy, vacuous teenage pop is not my thing and never has been and as commercial music radio has partitioned into niches I find The Rock is my thing if I resort to the radio. To educate myself I endured a video of one of her songs, Supalonely. Well, it is an acquired taste and for me just lightweight bippy boppy nonsense: perfect for those sub-16-year-old girls of little discernment. Benee is obviously part of that ‘world-famous in New Zealand’ thing but has featured overseas and has “her invitations to perform from Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Fallon” according to The Spinoff. Good for her.

Unfortunately, Benee has also proven herself just another of the left’s young ghouls of discrimination and hate speech as she has engaged her mouth before her brain to appear cool to her fans.

“Benee is still riled by her first brush with controversy, where a clip of her calling Judith Collins a “bitch” on stage in Wellington was posted to TikTok and picked up by the media.”

Oh dear, poor thing. Full of faux contrition she states that,

“she should not have called Collins “the b-word” (though “she’s a dirty politician”).

Basically sorry Ms Collins, I’ll just dig the hole of opening my silly mouth a little deeper. The Spinoff claims she is more than contrite (really?). Then she has a go at someone else. Apparently, “she is irritated by Kate Hawkesby’s condemning her management on Newstalk ZB.” Benee states gathering all her language skills, “She called me out on a 5am radio show and was like,  ‘Who’s her manager?’ I was like, ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ (Sorry BFD, that ‘f’ expletive is verbatim from The Spinoff).

She then rants about it all being about (‘f’ expletive) “female empowerment”.

Not that Judith Collins or Kate Hawkesby are allowed any female empowerment though. That is just for indulgent teen tantrum tossers. Then, horror of horrors, Hawkesby had the temerity to have “poured cold water on Benee’s support for legalising cannabis, saying her fans were too young to vote – to Benee, tantamount to discouraging them from doing so”. It does beg a question of how can you discourage someone who cannot vote from voting anyway? It appears that noise is better than logic.

Then here it comes, the business as usual ageist and racist punchline typical of young vicious socialists.

“I imagine it can feel oppressive to be under that scrutiny, I say. “There’s just so many bloody boomers,” says Benee exasperatedly. “There are so many old, backwards white people…”

She says this as the sudden realisation of public attention means she may be called out for her childish verbal excrescences. Consequences are a bitch. OMG, there are people unlike my bubble group out there. Get me counselling pronto!

Oh, poor baby. She didn’t get her way in the dope for mopes referendum and her idol Swarbrick is also upset about it. Now Benee has had the awful realisation that “It’s just like, I forget about the kinds of people who are here, because I surround myself with my people – and no one I know votes for Judith Collins.” Well, none who’ll admit it.

Ah, the trap of bubble-think. Welcome to the real world of diversity Benee: in this instance opinion diversity. You know, the opinion diversity lefties hate when it is not in agreement with them.

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