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Zippy and Albo: The Joke’s on Australia

If the Parliamentary dress code reflected reality. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Election advertising is not exactly noted for its impartial accuracy, but the Coalition’s 2022 slogan is starting to look all-too real. It won’t be easy under Albanese. Just a few months in, and Mr 32% is giving even Joe Biden a run for his money as an economic wrecking machine.

This is, remember, the PM who boasted that he had “a plan” to fix the economy. What, exactly, that “plan” was, he never could say. But now even his own Treasurer is admitting that we’re in the poo.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has warned Australians to brace for bigger real wage cuts than previously flagged ahead of an economic statement to the Parliament next week he said would be confronting.

Inflation forecasts would be revised up, and economic growth would be revised down, Dr Chalmers said, and the gap between rising cost of living and people’s take home pays would widen.

This, from “the party of the worker”. Not to mention those who voted for Albo in the expectation of more handouts.

Dr Chalmers said there would be fresh savings in the October budget, but he played down the prospect of new cost of living measures.

The government will face pressure when the $3 billion six-month halving of the local fuel excise ends on September 30, especially with inflation expected to peak around the same time.

Australian Financial Review

So, no new bennies for you — and for the rest of us, yet another spike in fuel prices. And everything else.

And there’s much worse coming. We’ve already seen Albanese gutlessly backflip to the Teals over staffing cuts. That’ll be nothing to the double-backflip-and-spin he’s about to do for the Greens.

Labor and the Greens are inching closer to a deal on a 43 per cent emissions reduction target by 2030, with Energy Minister Chris Bowen open to exceeding the benchmark and considering more ambitious outcomes.

Mr Bowen said Labor had a mandate to enshrine in law its climate change agenda but it was open to more ambitious outcomes.

A government that more than two-thirds of the country didn’t vote for has a “mandate” to do f-all.

Least of all screw the entire country for a pointless virtue-signalling exercise.

The Australian understands that Greens leader Adam Bandt, who has been in contact with Mr Bowen about the climate change bill since the May 21 election, is moving closer to a compromise with Labor to avoid a re-run of the climate wars.

In other words, just as they did under Julia Gillard, a spineless Labor government will dance to the Greens’ lunatic tune on emissions — and wreck us all.

With the Coalition opposing legislated climate change targets, Labor needs the support of the Greens and one crossbench senator to push through the climate change bill. Moderate Liberal MPs have also threatened to cross the floor and support the 43 per cent target.

The Australian

“Moderate” means dripping-wet cretins like Bridget Archer — Tasmania’s resident by-blow of the squatocracy: a typical, upper-middle-class, over-privileged blue-green twit. The Liberals would frankly have been better off losing Bass and getting rid of a woke millstone from around their necks.

On the other hand, at least Labor are getting all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Labor will not get a second term if it gives Australians more electricity price hikes and more power shortages in the name of “futile climate gestures”, Sky News host Chris Kenny says.

That’s not even an “if”.

Neither is this.

“Unless of course the Coalition is stupid enough to keep going down that same crazy path.”

Sky News

Unless new leader Peter Dutton has the gumption to tell the Bridget Archers of his party to pull their moronic heads in, the Coalition will continue to make the same mistake as National in NZ: just being a pale blue-green party, continually running after the far-left, shouting, “Wait for us!”
