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11 Kids in Socialist Utopia Burned to Death While Searching For Food

The_BFD. Shoppers wait in a long line to enter the “Latino Supermarket” in the Dr. Portillo area of Maracaibo, Venezuela, on Aug. 12.MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

Much has been written about the endemic food shortages in Venezuela. It seems to be almost a goal for these Socialist Utopia to ensure there is no food for their people. If people are starving, of course, they are far easier to control.

But with starvation comes desperation, and with desperation, comes tragedy.

Pluralist reports the plight of eleven young people who have been burned to death while foraging for food.

It seems that the teenagers have figured out that when local farmers burn off their cane crops to clear the land after harvest, rabbits that had been living in those fields will run to escape the flames and the kids can chase and catch them, providing much-needed food for their families.

There is some suggestion that the fires may have been started deliberately by foragers in an attempt to find food this way.

According to Douglas Rico, director of Venezuela’s CICPC forensic police, authorities were investigating if the fire was accidental or arson.

“There was a strong wind that changed the direction of the flames and they were trapped by the fire,” Rico said on state television.


Venezuela’s economy has collapsed over the past five years, with prices rocketing daily due to hyperinflation, and many people struggle to afford basic necessities like food and medicine.

TheBFD. Shoppers wait in a long line to enter the “Latino Supermarket” in the Dr. Portillo area of Maracaibo, Venezuela, on Aug. 12. MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

With food shortages becoming extremely serious, many people are turning to crime in order to feed themselves.

While the government blames the shortages on bachaqueros, (black market smugglers), economists say they are the consequence of price controls and a broken economic model that has left average Venezuelans with diminishing employment options.

“The people that used to give us work—the private companies, the rich—have all gone,” said Ms. Palma in La Sibucara, adding that she also occasionally traffics goods to get by.

“It’s not the greatest business but we don’t have work and we have to find a way to eat.”

Wall Street Journal

I guess this will always be the way. The people who can afford to flee will do so. The supposed rich will only put up with persecution for so long, and with their flight, along goes their businesses and all the jobs that they have created.

These eleven teenagers probably had no hope of ever finding a job, and like their parents will likely have had to live off the meagre pickings that their socialist government gave them.

As Sinamaica Resident Yusleidy Márquez said, she too fears the worst. The basket of subsidised food the government gives her mother every 15 days only feeds her family for two days. Lately, she only eats a cornmeal patty for lunch because she can’t afford more.

“I think we’re going to die of hunger,” she said.

Is that better than dying in a burning cane field? I’m not so sure.

But of course, Dear Leader Ardern and her Marxist pals would say the Venezuelan version of socialism isn’t the right kind, if only they would do it properly all would be well.

At least we have a government who knows how to do Socialism right, so surely our kids will be ok.

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