1News/Colmar Brunton have released their latest poll:
Labour: 53% up 3% – 67 seats
National: 32% down 6% – 41 seats
Greens: 5% – six seats
NZ First: 2%
Act: 5% – six seats
Preferred Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern: 54%
Judith Collins: 20% and net positive +27% approval rating
Clearly Newshub’s poll was rogue, with a massive difference in key numbers and 1News rubbed it in too.
Judith Collins is still being affected by the previous poor decisions of caucus and the various scandals that swamped Todd Muller, as he imploded. This poll is the hangover caucus has to suffer from drinking up large on firstly the Bridges/Bennett leadership and then drowning themselves with the wets of Muller/Kaye who imploded at the first bit of pressure. And they shouldn’t underestimate the damage that Michelle Boag caused the party with her poisonous antics with health data.
Previously Todd Muller got a net positive of +10% and Simon Bridges previously had -40% net approval. So a big difference with Judith Collins now leading the party. She should pull those numbers up during the campaign.
As more stable leadership kicks in along with a more vigorous campaign expect to see National make good inroads into Labour’s lead
Labour, being so far out in front have some real challenges, they won’t remain that high and will slide as the campaign gets going fully after the last week in parliament. When you are leading with numbers that high there is only one way to go and that is down.
David Seymour should be very pleased by this poll result. He deserves the success he is getting for standing tall for firearms owners and staying staunch on free speech. He is picking up votes that previously may have fallen for NZ First.
The brains trust at NZ First must surely be kicking themselves for botching the firearms changes.
Still a long way to go in this campaign yet.
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