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$2.75M Mongrel Mob Funding: Mind-Numbingly, Bone-Deep Stupid

Image credit The BFD.

Darroch Ball
Sensible Sentencing Trust

The irony of the insult couldn’t be greater with the Hawkes Bay Mongrel Mob meth rehab programme being funnelled $2.75 million from the Proceeds of Crime Fund – funding that is seized from the very gangs that are peddling meth in the first place, says Darroch Ball co-leader of Sensible Sentencing Trust.

“In May this year Police seized $2 million in assets, drugs, and firearms, and made six arrests during a major operation in Hawke’s Bay – not surprisingly it was an 18-month investigation targeting senior members of the Mongrel Mob.”

“Now the government has decided to give it back to them.  It is mind-numbingly, bone-deep stupid.”
“The government has shown just how far out of touch they have become.”

“It’s not a hard concept to figure out that if the gangs weren’t dealing meth in the communities there would be no need for the funding in the first place.  The gangs are the dealers.

“We have skyrocketing gang numbers, shootings, violence, and gang activity on our streets and no funding for police recruitment.  Our police officers are struggling for resources, recruits, and funding – and the government wants to give it to gangs instead.”

“In addition, we have thousands of victims of gang crime, victims of gangs dealing meth in our communities, victims of gang intimidation and violence, all of whom don’t see a cent in reparation or financial compensation, says Mr Ball.

“If there is a problem with meth on our streets it’s because the gangs are the ones peddling it – they are the problem, not the solution.”

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