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The Three Stooges in You Nazty Spy!. The BFD.

Dr Latus Dextro

PhD clinician

stooge: a person who is forced or paid by someone in authority to do an unpleasant or secret job for them

synonyms of ‘stooge

In 2017 Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted a pandemic ‘…So, the thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years…’ … under the Administration of POTUS Trump.

In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on its way that could wipe out thirty million people within six months. He urged a militarized response, “In the case of biological threats, that sense of urgency is lacking,” he said.… “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.” …”We’re also getting closer to a universal flu vaccine,”… “And we’re getting better at rapid diagnosis too…”

He described ‘quarantine’ as an essential first step. He went on to say this would probably happen during the next decade. Melinda Gates added that an “engineered virus” is humanity’s greatest threat and also assured us that this would hit humanity in the coming years.

There is a lot of mixed confabulated messaging that served to heighten fear, reinforced a ‘virus’ narrative, and incontrovertibly set the global stage for mass injection. The Australians adopted a notably militarized approach.

The stooges from all walks gathered with differing ambitions and goals to achieve. Whether motivated by fear porn, political prompting, or compelling financial largesse, the institutional preparatory steps were well in hand, the media was primed, and the declared objectives were announced, to wit:

Just Pause For Thought

I wrote previously and here, now truncated and modified below:

When did the 100 day alchemy arise?

It is hard to know where ‘100 days’ arose from except possibly the incidental meeting of a marketing focus group at the water cooler. Buzz phrases are clichés before they even become marketing clichés. The intellectual wattage behind ‘100 days’ was a Rainbow of zeros, but it looked good and sounded better.

CEPI encouraged vaccine developers to work towards the following aspirational targets (a lightening period of 210 days from woe to go) for their platforms (April 2020 ~ pp4) – (pdf. hard copy captured from the WayBackArchive – the record is being expunged as one might see. It was initially linked to 2019, but this link has since been erased)

  • 16 weeks from antigen identification to product release for clinical trials
  • 6 weeks from administration of first dose to achieving an immune response likely to result in a clinical benefit
  • 8 weeks to manufacture 100,000—from a “go” decision to production, fill, finish, and release.

This goal was shortened yet further by the emplacement of the mRNA / lipid nanoparticle envelope biotechnology. I wrote previously (August 2022):

All poised and ready to go; just a tweaked gene sequence between “pandemics.”

The CEO of CEPI, Dr Richard Hatchett, announced the BigPharma alchemy of ‘100 days’ that was christened with pledges of cash in Oslo, Norway, on 8 March 2022 when the global[ist] ‘community came together to commit to the 100 Days Mission – the [ludicrous] ambition to have safe and effective vaccines within 100 days of an epidemic or pandemic threat being identified’.

Today, CEO Hatchett vigorously spruikes 100 days with the WEF, Wellcome, BMGF (and WHO) locked into the background, … stating:

(my inverted commas and bold type)

If we look across the global portfolio of COVID-19 vaccines—”life-saving products” that were created from scratch, then manufactured, tested, trialed and brought to bear against a “completely new disease”—many fast-paced “possibilities” are clear:
  • It’s possible to design a vaccine candidate within 2 days of the genetic sequence of a new virus being published. We know, because that’s what the NIAID Vaccine Research Center did.
  • It’s possible to move into first human trials in 66 days from the release of the genetic sequence. We know, because that’s what Moderna did.
  • It’s possible to publish the first safety data 63 days after a Phase 1 clinical trial starts. We know, because that’s what Moderna did.
  • It’s possible to go from first human clinical trials to vaccine registration in about 7 months. We know, because that’s what Pfizer / BioNTech did.
  • And it’s possible to get emergency use approval within 1 day of filing required data with regulators. We know, because that’s what China’s CanSino did.

To the ‘virus’ narrative adherents, time to be absolutely clear. The appearance here of a controlled methodological study for a small obligate, replication competent, intracellular parasite, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat, does not appear to occur within a country mile except in an in silico data bank. The “rapid diagnosis” Bill Gates referred to earlier, at the start of this commentary, is more BigPharma, BigGOV thuggery, namely “case” manufacturing. It has very little indeed to do with clinical diagnosis.

Pause For Thought Again

Let’s be also clear. On 11th May 2016, Moderna started its first trial of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)/mRNA “vaccine.” The results of this phase 1 clinical trial were published in 2019.

Moderna authors concluded their 2019 study stating, “These phase 1 studies demonstrate both safety and robust immune responses to mRNA vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 influenza viruses, and support the potential of mRNA to deliver a vaccine platform with precision, speed, adaptability, and scalability.

[An analysis of the study’s claims of safety and robustness immune responses is another article in itself.]

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admits Moderna produced 100,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses in 2019, before the “pandemic” started. Bancel also admitted that in 2019 he knew that “there is gonna be a pandemic.”

In 2019, before the “pandemic” was orchestrated, walking into the Moderna Office of Manufacturing, CEO Bancel announced,

“How will we make a billion dollars next year?”

… And they look at me a bit funny, and they said,”


“Yeah, we’re going to make a billion dollars next year. There’s gonna be a pandemic.”

Some months later …

March 2020Barney S. Graham, MD PhD, Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health Vaccine Research Center bizarrely and confusingly conceded, with respect to the development of synthetic sequenced polynucleotide shots, in which his declared competing interest described him as a named inventor on patent applications related to coronavirus vaccines and monoclonal antibodies

Of course, disadvantages include the novel nature of both mRNA and DNA vaccines without any licensed vaccine with either technology to date and lack of experience for mass production.”

This statement appears to have been made by Graham and was recorded by the published conference proceedings of March 12 – 13, 2020, of the Coaliton of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the Brighton Collaboration (the latter now reconstituted as the Task Force for Global Health (TFGH; ~ published in Vaccine Epub 2020 May 25.

Keep in mind that CEPI is a “vaccine” funder and developer, and investment platform for national governments. It is an entity created by the WEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome in 2016. New Zealand has committed to providing regular payments of tens of millions of dollars to CEPI

For his endeavour, BigPharma star Dr Barney Graham [Rice university alumnus ’75] was named, ‘Time Hero of the Year’ for developing COVID-19 vaccine in 2021,

Gracing one of four covers of Time’s December issue along with three fellow COVID-19 vaccine researchers, including his NIH colleague Kizzmekia Corbett, Graham was recognized for his years of work on “structure-based” vaccine design. That work set the stage for the rapid development of the Moderna-NIH vaccine and many of the other successful COVID-19 vaccines that have now saved countless lives around the globe’.

Rice University news and media relations

A Politico article chortled on 11/05/2021,

“The pharmaceutical firm, Moderna, had already gotten a jump on designing a Covid-19 vaccine thanks to a partnership with the National Institutes of Health. Propelled by government scientists, it developed a promising candidate within weeks. And fueled by nearly $1 billion in federal funds for research and development, the company was closer than ever to delivering on the first drug of its decadelong existence.”

“A company that once struggled to attract investors, it’s since been valued as high as $140 billion. Stéphane Bancel, its CEO, is a multibillionaire, while three others with ties to Moderna rank among the 400 richest people in the country.”

Post Script

A self-declared inventor of mRNA technology, Dr Barney Graham, informed a gathering of involved interests in March 12 – 13, 2020, which also included the BigPharma champion, Ralph S. Baric (with his own declaration of collaborations seen in, VaxArt, Takeda, Moderna, Eli Lily, and Pfizer) that:

Of course, disadvantages include the novel nature of both mRNA and DNA vaccines without any licensed vaccine with either technology to date and lack of experience for mass production.” .

Au contraire, BigPharma knowledge would have been crystal clear a priori regarding what they had bioengineered and the dimensions of their industrial capability.

So, are we looking here at a published attempt of (im)plausible deniability identified in the CEPI/BC conference proceedings, that the existence of an mRNA/lipid ‘platform,’ courtesy of Moderna (and Pfizer / BioNTech) with their ability to expedite grand scale industrial output was a BigPharma/BigGOV bong-pipe dream?

It seems incomprehensible that Ralph Baric, with a declared involvement in both Pfizer and Moderna would also not have known of the corporate readiness. An eight month mass production period to provide millions of shots AND at the same time instigate complex contracts and waivers of liability that were signed by ignorant, complicit politicians across the World, and in September and December 2020 in New Zealand… quite a reach for the unprepared.

It all seems perfectly timed, only the whole COVID charade obviously possesses the leaden heavy thumb and boot prints of orchestration.

Despite the apparent “admission” of Dr Barney Graham in March 12 – 13, 2020 …

the United Kingdom began mass injections on the December 8, 2020.


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