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$35M for Government Brainwashing So Far

Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

If you wandered around over the weekend shaking your head in amazement at people wearing masks outdoors and trying with bewilderment to scan in at places, you can wonder no more as to why that is:

1 News has obtained figures under the Official Information Act showing $35,097,479 was spent on the vaccine campaign between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022.

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet said the bill includes creative, advertising, content, website maintenance, translation services and printing, across social media, radio, billboards and television.

No breakdown has been provided of what was spent where or how much 11 social media influencers were paid.

The so-called Vaxathon in October came out of a different budget.

“The vaccine public information campaign is developed and funded by the Ministry of Health, working in partnership with DPMC to ensure a complementary and holistic approach to campaign activity,” the statement said.


Millions upon millions of taxpayers’ cash, pumped into media companies, who love to suckle from the government teat, has led to the mass formation psychosis you see in the streets today.

People have become unable to think for themselves, and now they are quivering in fear. The government they love, telling them what to do and think, is now walking everything back because of a different kind of science: political science, namely polling.

The evil regime has crept into people’s minds, worse than dripping tap cults, brainwashing the population that a bad cold is deadly.

The media are complicit in the crime. They’ve never seen a subsidised dollar they couldn’t say no to.

The campaign included specific advertising targeting Maori and Pasifika, but Te Paati Maori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer said those on the frontline did a better job convincing people to get the jab.

“The bureaucrats in this public health response have continuously failed us because they were not aliened and did not even know their very own tangata whenua communities are out there doing massive amounts of work,” said Ngarewa-Packer.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stands by the campaign.

“The covid advertising works been really critical. We’ve been having to make sure everyone’s aware of alert level changes our and traffic light setting changes.

“It will adapt, it won’t always stay the same and it won’t always been as large,” said Ardern.


What the tyrant, in her know-it-all condescending manner, really means is that Maori are too thick to look after their kids themselves so we have to either tell them how to do it or do it ourselves.

If you tell people for literally months on end that they are “vulnerable” or in a hopeless situation, then eventually they’ll come to believe it. Then the government can tell them that only it can solve this issue for them. It is pernicious, it is evil, and it is by design.

The tyrant may not have been able to wrap fish and chips particularly skillfully but she did study the writings, beliefs and propaganda techniques of Paul Joseph Goebbels.

You can hear the evil yourself in the car every 15 minutes, on Red Radio, on every channel, dripping poison into the ears of the population. All paid for by you.

And if you aren’t angry yet, you should be.

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