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7th Roy Morgan Poll in a Row Shows a Change of Government

roy morgan poll record breaking results

The latest Roy Morgan poll is out, and is the seventh poll in a row from Roy Morgan that shows a change of government if there was an election.

Today’s Roy Morgan New Zealand Poll shows support for a potential National/Act NZ coalition down by 1.5% points to 48.5% in June. The two opposition parties are still 5% points ahead of the governing Labour/Greens on 43.5% (up 0.5% points).

Support for National down by 1% point in June to 39% while support for fellow right-leaning party Act NZ fell by 0.5% points to 9.5%. However, support for the Maori Party increased by 0.5% points to 1.5%.

In contrast there was an increase in support for Labour which increased 2% points to 33.5% while support for the Greens was down by 1.5% points to 10%.

A minority of 6.5% of electors (up 0.5% points) support other minor parties outside Parliament with support for New Zealand First down 1.5% points to 1.5%, The Opportunities Party was up 1% point to 2% and support for the New Conservative Party unchanged at 0.5% in June.

This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile – with a New Zealand-wide cross-section of 947 electors during June. Electors were asked: “If a New Zealand Election were held today which party would receive your party vote?” Of all electors surveyed only 5%, up 2% points, did not name a party.

Roy Morgan

Roy Morgan also released their latest June polling on Country Direction, with another record equalling score over the 15 years of data:

  • 51.5% of Kiwis polled believe New Zealand is heading in the “Wrong Direction” equalling the previous record high of 51.5% from March 2022
  • 39% answered “Right Direction” also equalling March 2022’s low score, but not quite as low as the 36.5-38.5% scores from May-July 2008
  • -12.5% Government Confidence overall again equalling March 2022, and almost at the record low of -13% from July 2008
  • 9.5% “Can’t say” (a low % compared to most months, with 90.5% polled having a view)

No matter your circumstances or voting preferences, this catch-all metric should be very concerning for all of us as it suggests great unhappiness, decline, and division in our nation.

Wikipedia is also tracking all polls and the right/wrong direction. The picture is bleak for the Government, with an inexorable slide to oblivion on the cards.

The Government is in serious trouble; it is now becoming clearer and clearer that their vaccine plans are in utter disarray, and the legacy of illogical and unwarranted lockdowns, coupled with vaccine failure is slowly but surely wrecking the economy irrespective of what they claim are external pressures.

When you add in their inflation fuelling policies and their abject failure to deliver on any of their promises, the Labour Government is faltering as badly as the economy. Inflation is robbing the poor, literally, with rising prices and shortages.

Rising crime, out of control ram raids and shootings just add to the general malaise being felt nationwide.

Yet we still have politicians pushing masking and vaccines despite the evidence from around the world that they don’t work in either preventing transmission or in preventing illness.

The final nail in this Government’s coffin is their unabashed pursuit of divisive and racist policies to hand majority control to just 15% of the population based on nothing more than having the right sort of ancestors.

No one has done more to make New Zealand a hateful and divisive country than Jacinda Ardern. History will not judge her kindly.

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