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A Christian Pride Week Would Be Heretical




Air NZ is celebrating World Pride 2023 with free trips across the Tasman under the banner ‘Aniwaniwa i te rangi’ (rainbow in the sky) with a RuPaul Drag Race Down Under celebrity on board for entertainment.

Clever marketing to capture two very fashionable groups in one hit – Maori and those with gay or flexible sexuality.

My sexuality hasn’t changed since birth, I was born a straight white female who chose the Christian faith which makes me of no interest to Air NZ’s marketing team fixated on diversity. They won’t offer up a free trip to Sydney to visit one of its many large churches let alone a trip to the Holy Land to view my ancient Christian heritage.

No problem, except that I am interested in who sets the parameters on what is fashionable, and more recently, on what constitutes a potential terrorist. Based on Kate Hannah’s statements, potentially I am on a terrorist watchlist activated by artificial intelligence data gathering.

Who decides the parameters to input into the computer programming evaluating potential terrorism? Under the Disinformation Project’s operating terms I am not actually a person. I am a conglomerate of data assessed by Artificial Intelligence using undisclosed parameters.

The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is a multi-stakeholder initiative which aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice on artificial intelligence (AI) by supporting cutting-edge research and applied activities on AI-related priorities.

Built around a shared commitment to the OECD Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence, GPAI brings together engaged minds and expertise from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organisations and academia to foster international cooperation.

Working Groups have been established to discuss four themes?

The 2022 GPAI Summit will be the third annual meeting and the first to be held in Japan.


Kate Hannah will soon pack her bags for this year’s meeting of the Working Group of  The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) to be held in Japan on 21–22 November. Hannah is one of eight NZ representatives representing Te Punaha Matatini and NZ universities. Eight no less!

The public programme outlines meetings over two days but agendas are not made public. Given these people are publicly funded, shouldn’t we know what they are talking about?

Your guess is as good as mine regarding the parameters used for data collection.

The report issued following the 2021 GPAI meeting in Paris confirms GPAI works for the United Nations with the following mandate.

The Working Group’s mandate aligns closely with GPAI’s overall mission. The Working Group aims to “collate evidence, shape research, undertake applied AI projects and provide expertise on data governance, to promote data for AI being collected, used, shared, archived and deleted in ways that are consistent with human rights, inclusion, diversity, innovation, economic growth, and societal benefit, while seeking to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

Click to access gpai-data-governance-wg-report-november-2021.pdf

GPAI Data Governance Working Group Report November 2021

Due to Kate Hannah’s disclosures, I can be confident that my view of societal benefit is poles apart from the Disinformation Project’s.

Who funds the GPAI? Seed funding came from the Montreal Centre of Expertise (the “CEIMIA”) followed by substantial funding from the UK. Not to be left out, Ardern allocated $5.1M “to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) could provide improved access to healthcare”.

Click to access gpai-data-governance-wg-report-november-2021.pdf

GPAI was launched in 2020 with 15 members and now has 25: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

I am not happy about the Ardern Government’s allegiance to globalists with hidden agendas. The GPAI is another example of undisclosed overseas posturing inflicted on New Zealanders who haven’t a clue they are being manipulated and controlled. What we want really doesn’t count.
