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A picture of despair. The BFD.

8th June 2021

NLD flag. A symbol of hope for many.

The Tatmadaw are intent on wreaking havoc and taking revenge for the setbacks they have had during the past few days. They have initiated airstrikes and artillery barrages against villages in the vicinity of areas where they had recent adverse contact with guerrillas.

In Kyar Pin in Mingin township, Sagaing district they completely destroyed the high school. Action such as this is now happening all over the country and one estimate puts the number of IDP (Internally Displaced People) at 250,000. These people have secreted themselves in the jungle or moved to near the Thai and Indian borders. As a result, it is expected that there will be a massive third wave of Covid-19 as there is contact between people on the borders and notably the Indian variant is now entering Myanmar. This is causing concern for the Thai authorities who are trying to get Covid under control so that they can resurrect their tourist business.

Kyar Pin village high school, Mingin, after attack by the junta. The BFD.
Mingin township Sagaing region. The BFD.

As well as hitting villages and their civic buildings, the junta’s troops are now attacking places of worship, which is in breach of the Geneva convention, not that matters to the Junta.

The attacks on places of worship continue.

Church in Demoso hit by gunfire. The BFD.
Catholic church in Demoso township. The BFD.
More destruction in Kayin state. The BFD.
A village wiped out. The BFD.
A picture of despair. The BFD.

Finally, here is today’s headcount.

The BFD.

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