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grumpy angry Jacinda Ardern

Many people are fond of making New Year resolutions. This being an election year I prefer to make a political prediction. I predict that the election result will see Jacinda Ardern able to present herself with a well-deserved medal – the DCM medal. This will not be for Doing Communications Masterfully nor will it be for Dispensing Copious Misinformation. What she will be able to award herself, courtesy of the voters, is the (you’ve no doubt worked it out by now) DON’T COME MONDAY medal.

This will be richly deserved and highly appropriate. Over the last five years, with zilch achievements to her name, she needn’t have bothered to turn up at all. After all she is leader in name only. The real leaders are Mahuta’s mob, who I call the ‘hereditary enemy’. They have put themselves in charge based on feelings, opinions or prejudices held by their antecedents.

Ardern either is comfortable with this situation or lacks the spine to do anything about it. This has to be the case with the Three/Five/All Waters legislation where, if National also turn out to lack a spine, it’s quite likely we’ll be charged every time we turn on the tap or go to the beach. It’s not hard to guess which business ‘charities’ will profit from that.

In my view 2023 is the year Ardern finds herself between a green leather taxpayer-funded chair and a hard place. And I think whoever is the next occupier of that particular seat should investigate having it reupholstered. It has taken a fair hammering from the full force of her posterior every time she sits down following futile attempts to answer questions at question time.

Let’s look at Ardern’s chances in motoring terms. I use this analogy because we know she and her entire government has a particular dislike, even hatred, of cars. As government statistics show they have found reverse gear more often than first. By allowing Mahuta, Jackson and the rest of the elite in the Maori caucus to be in the driver’s seat, she is getting on the wrong side of the road with the voters.

Ardern has some difficult decision making ahead. As all her legislation is pure ideology it will be a question of prioritising. What piece of socialist insanity is more important than another? The broadcasting merger could be shelved but it’s unlikely there’ll be any watering down on Maori ownership of said liquid. That looks set in stone. It could yet prove to be her watershed moment in the election.

Should the foot be on the brake or the accelerator? It’s a matter of how much of her socialist ideology she is willing to saddle the electorate with. How much of the globalist claptrap she  is prepared to campaign and drive through to please her masters at the United Nations?

Ardern, as Cam has often rightly stated, fakes kindness for control. Unfortunately for her, people are now waking up to this. In America some left-wing states are reintroducing mandates such as wearing of masks. The only reason Arden isn’t doing this is because it’s election year. Ardern is a control freak, a bully, who, when faced with a fight such as an election, proves to be a coward. Watch for a year of U-turns. Already she and her long-time buddy Robertson are worried about campaigning and needing extra security. No sausage sizzles at Waitangi, we are told. So much for the ‘team of five million’.

Ardern is a fake and a flake. Like all narcissists, her motivation is control. Again, as Cam has stated, Covid was the perfect vehicle for her mode of travel. Control under the guise of kindness. Ardern is the perfect example of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I predict the closer we get to the election, and with the numbers going against her, she will disrobe herself of the sheep’s clothing and bring her fangs more into play. Kindness will be replaced by viciousness, which is what all bullies resort to when the chips are down.

I predict Ardern’s gutter type politics will end up with her in the gutter. Last election the vote flattered her. This election the vote will flatten her. Her vehicle, the Labour Party, will resemble an EV with flat tyres and a flat battery. The flat tyres will be caused by potholes in the form of shoddy legislation poorly enacted. The flat battery will be caused by taking voters down many roads they have no wish to go.

Driving on the left is about all we have left in common with Ardern and the Labour left. Those behind the wheel, the voters, appear about to exercise their democratic right, a change of direction. To all intents and purposes a right-hand turn is in the offing come the election. That gives us all a flicker of hope.


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