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A Govt That Refuses to Be Measured

orange carrot on blue surface
Photo by Charles Deluvio. The BFD.

As we are aware, this is a government devoid of talent. Business experience is as scarce as hen’s teeth, and as a result of their ignorance, they are not business-friendly. Community work or similar is not a qualification for the rigours of government, certainly not at ministerial level. This is all too evident with the ministers in the current administration from the Prime Minister down.

This is most apparent when watching Question Time in the House as anyone who is masochistic enough to put themselves through that ordeal will be only too well aware. Hence we have the Speaker of the House, himself a disgrace, running constant cover for the incompetence on show. At best we get a few motormouths spouting flannel at a rate of knots. Nine times out of ten the questions are not answered although nine times out of ten the biased Speaker seems to think they are.

The policy making of this government also demonstrates what a talentless bunch are in power. The vaccine rollout is a shambles because they put themselves in charge of it; they who are incapable of injecting success into anything. They employ working groups made up of equally talentless people to advise them. These people report back, the government says they will implement the recommendations and that’s the last we hear of it. Millions have been wasted on these types of exercises. I presume it gives the Government someone else to blame.

As is typical of the left, if you have a problem, throw money at it regardless of whether that is in fact the answer. This makes Question Time easier because the answer invariably is: We have invested more than any other Government in whatever area it happens to be. However, if you ask if the money spent is achieving results, they wouldn’t know. Very few statistics are kept on anything because they don’t want to be held accountable. Statistics tell you whether what you are doing is working or not. This government, unlike the previous National government, is not interested in any of that.

This crowd of less-than-able stewards of the public purse appear not to care one jot about school attendance, failing educational success, whether the unemployed are actually looking for work, fathers contributing to child maintenance, getting to the root causes of child poverty or solving the housing problems. Getting to the root cause is all too hard and results in accountability, something which, through their total incompetence, they want to avoid at all costs.

Reducing prison numbers simply means letting criminals out. That is a good example of the average intelligence of a member of this Labour Government. Their alternative answer is to make it as hard as possible to put the offenders in prison in the first place. Scrapping the three strikes law is a good example. They wouldn’t have a clue how many were incarcerated anymore than how many have been vaccinated or who they are. The acumen of people standing and chosen to represent the Labour Party is an affliction on the party. When they are fortunate enough to form a government it becomes an affliction on the whole country.

In 2023 we must elect a government that sets targets in every area and holds itself accountable for achieving those targets in both economic and social areas.

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